Drunk Dante

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There might be fewer chapters in December, for I'll be preparing for exams and moving. Our landlord keeps raising the rent every single year, so we're paying a ridiculous amount of money for a tiny flat...It's time to find a new place.

He's back!

Dante still couldn't believe Angelo was back. He'd long ago given up on seeing Angelo again. His brain had come to terms with it, although his heart didn't.

It had been hanging onto the tiniest hope that Angelo would return one day. But he hadn't expected to run into him today and in a bar which he'd stumbled across in his absent-mindedness.

He'd been returning from Angelo's house when he felt like getting a drink to mitigate the despair he felt every time he came over to Angelo's house only to find it dark and empty.

Yet again, he'd found himself in front of Angelo's house before he'd known it. He'd meant to take a stroll to clear his head, but his legs had carried him to Angelo's house.

It had happened so many times it no longer surprised him when he'd come to his senses and realised he'd been staring at the windows in Angelo's house. However, what had surprised him had been the discovery that Angelo had been back for weeks.

He wanted to say he was happy for Angelo that he'd managed to leave the world of the mafia and get a normal job, but his mind couldn't get past the fact that Angelo had come back a long time ago, but he hadn't let Dante know.

That just proved that Angelo didn't want him in his life.

Dante had hoped that travelling far away from home might make Angelo realise that he needed Dante in his life, but that clearly wasn't the case.

And although Dante had wanted to stay longer, he couldn't. He'd felt all jittery, meeting his love after two years.

It had been easier when Dante hadn't been in love with Angelo. Suddenly, he didn't know how to face Angelo or what to do with this unrequited love.

Dante felt like an idiot for ever thinking that Angelo loved him. He'd been confident and smug about it, too. That's why he'd confessed, not knowing that Angelo would reject him and move the day after.

If Dante had known that confessing would result in his not seeing Angelo the next couple years, he would have kept silent forever.

This was definitely his punishment for the crimes he'd committed in the past, and after what he'd put Angelo through he didn't deserve him. It would be selfish of him to want Angelo back.

Dante wasn't going to ask Angelo for a second chance. But even so, he still wished to see Angelo again. It was wrong and perhaps cruel of him to visit Blue Sky every day and force Angelo to deal with his presence, however, he couldn't make himself to not go.

It was his only joy and a part of the day he looked forward to - getting an eyeful of Angelo after a long, tiring day.

Most of the time, he took documents with him, so he could pretend he was studying them while in fact, he was observing Angelo.

He'd also started noticing things which he'd never paid attention to before, like how long and elegant Angelo's fingers that handled the glasses with grace were, or how straight he held himself.

Dante was honestly and genuinely jealous of the customers, at whom Angelo directed his smile. He radiated warmth and patiently listened to the blabbering of his tipsy customers', which was sometimes unintelligible and incoherent.

Dante wanted to be spoiled by Angelo, too, yet all he could do was watch them with an envious look.

He didn't get drunk very often, but when he saw how some women flirted with Angelo, he felt like drinking himself into oblivion. It was unbearable to watch others make eyes at the man he loved.

The more Angelo responded to the coquettes, the more Dante drank. He ingurgitated shot after shot of the highest percentage alcohol he could get.

Whenever he was in Angelo's vicinity, he lost all rationality, so it was no wonder that before the night was over, Dante was passed out, with his face flat on the bar.


Angelo was facing a difficult situation as he stared at Dante who was sleeping soundly with his arm under his head as his pillow.

It was past the closing hour, and everyone except Dante had left. Angelo wasn't happy to be alone with him. Leaving him there was out of question, but he couldn't wake him up.

He'd call Orazio to come and pick up Dante if he had his number. Because he didn't, he had no choice but to take him home.

Angelo had a hard time dragging Dante who was taller and heavier than he upstairs to his room. He'd been lazy and put off tidying other rooms he didn't use, and now he regretted it. Stopping at his bed, he let go of Dante, who flopped onto the bed.

After Angelo realised he'd been staring at Dante for too long to be considered normal, he went to take a shower to wash all the sweat of the day.

When he finished, Dante still hadn't woken up. Before he could stop himself, Angelo leaned down and kissed Dante.

It took a great deal of effort to force himself out of the room and not to steal another kiss from Dante.

He'd told himself he wouldn't get involved with Dante again, yet all he wanted was to strip and mount him.

Just thinking about it aroused him. And it only got worse when he remembered how Dante had liked to fuck him hard into the mattress, and even when Angelo couldn't take anymore, Dante hadn't stopped.

Angelo threw a last glance at Dante to make sure that he was sleeping before he retreated to a different room.

As soon as he got on the bed, he took his trousers off. His cock was fully erect, and although it had been a month or two since he last jerked off, he knew it wasn't the reason he was rock hard. It was because Dante was in the other room.

He stroked his cock just like Dante used to, lightly, just to tease, but not to come. Then he slipped two fingers inside him.

His entrance was tight since he hadn't used it in a while. It took a little stretching to loosen up.

Angelo's breath turned ragged and his fingers started working faster, probing and pushing in and out in sync with his other hand.

He kept his voice down as not to wake Dante up.

Little did he know that Dante had been up and about for a while now. He was standing behind the door, listening to Angelo's moans and sporting a huge hard-on.

Dante had recognised Angelo's room instantly when he'd opened his eyes. At first, he hadn't understood how he'd got there, but soon he'd recalled he'd been drinking with no control.

Since Angelo couldn't be seen anywhere, Dante had gone to find him, and as he'd been walking around the house, he'd heard a faint voice.

Following it had brought him in front of the door where he stood now. And although Dante was tempted to open the door, he didn't think Angelo would appreciate it.

He couldn't see anything, but he could imagine what was going on on the other side.

What he did next was risky, and if Angelo caught him, he'd never forgive Dante, but he unzipped his trousers, took out his cock, and started touching himself in the hall, leaned against the wall opposite to the door.

Dante didn't remember when he'd last been this aroused. At one point, he'd even thought he'd lost his sexual appetite, but seeing Angelo had brought it back.

It didn't take long for Dante to finish. He came in his handkerchief and stuffed it into his trousers pocket.

He'd just pushed himself off the wall when the door opened and his eyes locked on Angelo's.

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