Beware of Orazio

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I don't know how it's possible, but I still have some chapters that I haven't posted. So, here they are.

It had become known amongst the members of the Serraino-DiGiovine family that their boss went to see the former Carvelli's hitman every evening.

It had been long apparent that he was infatuated with Angelo. Whilst it didn't affect his work, Orazio was afraid that what had happened with Leo would repeat again.

All other families knew about Angelo, and none of them liked the Serraino-DiGiovine family, especially Dante.

Although there hadn't been as many conflicts as when Dante had succeeded his father. That had been the start of the constant fighting between them and the other mafia groups.

Young Dante had been filled with a desire to destroy and dominate. He'd wanted to prove to everyone that he hadn't been weak like his father.

Despite being so young, he'd gained respect amongst his men and enemies left and right. Thanks to his brilliance and underhanded tactics, he'd expanded the family and made them the most feared group in Italy. What is scary is that he'd managed that feat in less than five years.

"He comes to dinner. That's all." Angelo tried to keep his voice down because Marchesi was sitting close by, and although he'd confided in him before, he didn't want him to overhear their exchange. He hadn't admitted to Marchesi that he was a former mafioso. He feared his reaction, for Angelo wasn't a simple murderer, killing had been his livelihood.

Not many would keep associating with him if they knew what he was capable of. Perhaps Marchesi would understand what had driven him to become a hitman, but Angelo was scared to find out. He was Angelo's first friend and he didn't want to lose him.

Angelo enjoyed talking to Marchesi, even if it was about unimportant stuff. He hadn't had the luxury to have little talks with his colleagues in the past.

Other members were close, but Angelo as a hitman didn't mingle with them. Other had been scared of him because they'd believed him cold and unsociable. That's the aura every assassin gave off.

They lead a solitary life, trying not to stand out and not to be memorable. It was a requirement for all those in the business. If he was easy to spot, sneaking into people's homes would have been impossible.

And Angelo hadn't wanted to make friends because he hadn't known when he'd die.

"You must excuse me for not believing you. Our boss isn't the type to eat just for the sake of eating."

Orazio, the only abstinent in the family, ordered a glass of water and continued. He and Angelo had had an awkward relationship. Whenever their ways had crossed, they'd acknowledged the other one with a nod of their heads.

They had never tried to get to get along. They knew everything about each other, and that was enough.

To Orazio, Angelo was the reason his don was acting weird, and to Angelo, Orazio was Dante's right-hand man who'd seen his embarrassing moments.

"Dante is an adult," Angelo said. "He can do what he wants."

"First and foremost, he's our boss. And when he's with you, he sometimes forgets his responsibilities."

Orazio's middle finger was circling along the glass's rim. He was relaxed, not worried about being overheard in the least. It wasn't obvious from his words that they were talking about a mafia boss.

"And what do you want from me?" Angelo didn't like Orazio's tone, but he also knew this was how Orazio talked to everyone, therefore there was no point in getting mad because of it.

"I want you to hurt Dante." Orazio didn't even pause. He kept his tone flat as though he was talking about the weather. "Make him hate you. It will be for your own good."

Angelo was speechless. The idea of making Dante hate him hadn't occurred to him. He had subconsciously rejected it. From the beginning, he had never wished for Dante to hate him.

He might have wished to never meet Dante again, but not to be hated. It could have been the only way to make Dante stop coming over to his house every day, but being detested by Dante would kill him.

"What's your answer?" Orazio pressed. His mannerism attested his ever-present composure that annoyed Angelo because he was the only one with ruffled feathers.

"I don't take orders from you," Angelo said curtly. He hoped Orazio would return soon and leave him alone for good. "Why are you the one telling me not to see him? If Dante doesn't want to see me again, he can tell me directly."

Orazio's hand tightened around the glass. "He'll come to his senses soon. He's just not used to being rejected. When he realises you're not the only one on this planet, he'll stop caring about you."

"Aren't you his friend?"

"It's precisely because I'm his friend that I'm worried. He's been acting weird ever since he met you, and it got worse after you left. Do you know how devastated he was after you left?"

Angelo felt like he was in court. He couldn't feel more uncomfortable being questioned. He had no idea how Dante had felt, but hearing about it, Angelo felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

He had enough conscience to feel guilty for hurting Dante. Leaving without properly saying goodbye was the worst thing he could have done to Dante after he had saved his life.

Angelo hadn't meant to be this ungrateful, but he had been scared and ashamed to face Dante, being the reason he had lost his eye.

He'd been the reason for many people's death, yet he'd never been this guilt-ridden. His victims had always been strangers. Feeling their body turn cold had never had any effect on him after he'd grown accustomed to it, but he hadn't learned how to deal with the pangs of conscience with which he went to sleep every night.

"Was it bad?" Angelo asked in a whisper. The meaning was obvious despite his lack of elaboration.

Orazio stayed silent for a second, trying to read Angelo's expression.

"For months, he didn't sleep or eat. He submerged himself in work to forget you. It was like watching a walking empty vessel. That period was hard on us, too. It was impossible to talk to him or hold his attention."

Orazio's face had turned glum. "I don't want to see him like that again."

Angelo averted his eyes, feeling like he was witnessing something he shouldn't. If he had to venture a guess, he'd say that Orazio wasn't aware of the face he was making.

His gaze fell on Marchesi, and he realized they'd been overheard.

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