Marchesi's Brush with Death

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There had been some sensitive information exchanged. Orazio had mentioned Dante's name, too. That was something he'd miscalculated.

Knowing what a perfectionist Orazio was, Angelo had been sure he wouldn't make that mistake. Or didn't he care about people finding out about him? If a rumour about Angelo being associated with a mafia spread, he wouldn't be able to continue working there any longer. At least Orazio could spare a thought for him, regardless of their dislike for each other.

Angelo's darting eyes tried to tell Orazio that he should be careful as to what he was saying.

Orazio looked over at Marchesi, rose to his feet, and walked towards him with unrushed steps.

Marchesi stiffened when he felt something hard pressed against the small of his back. His brain didn't have the time to work out what it was, for Orazio leaned in, and, in a threatening tone, said, "You won't speak a word of what you heard here to anyone, or I'll empty my magazine inside you this instant."

"Cut it out!" Angelo panicked for a second when he'd seen Orazio take out his gun. He'd actually thought Orazio would kill Marchesi to prevent him from talking. If that had been his intention, Angelo wouldn't have been able to stop him; Marchesi would be dead before Angelo got over the bar.

It was a good thing that Orazio wasn't the violent type, otherwise, Angelo would have a lot of explaining to do, not only to the owner, but to Marchesi's family and the police, too.

"Leave him alone. He won't say anything," Angelo interceded for Marchesi.

"How can you be so sure?" Orazio asked.

"He's my friend. Now, put away that thing."

Orazio looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He paid for his drink and left after saying whatever he wanted.

"Are you alright?" Angelo was worried about Marchesi. He looked shaken from what had transpired.

"Huh...ah...I'm fine."

Marchesi couldn't move. The moment he'd realized a gun had been pressed against him, he hadn't dared move a muscle. Even though it was over, he still couldn't move. His body was tense.

Angelo could see how pale Marchesi had turned in the face. Clearly, it had been the first time someone had pointed a gun at him, and he hadn't got over the shock yet, which was normal. Angelo had been the same, so he could sympathise with Marchesi.

"I'm sorry I got you involved. But don't worry, he won't hurt you. He might be difficult to deal with, but he's a reasonable person."

Marchesi didn't seem to be listening to what Angelo was telling him. Angelo could only imagine what was running through Marchesi's head right now. But overthinking would do more damage than good.

To help Marchesi calm down, Angelo placed a bottle of strong liquor in front of him. "This is on me."

He didn't want to instigate Marchesi to start drinking heavily, but alcohol was the only thing that could help him relax his nerves.

"Will you join me?"

Angelo thought about it, and said, "Sure." There had been even fewer customers tonight than was usual, so there would be no harm in him drinking a little. No one would see, and honestly, he needed that drink, too. Talking to Orazio had been exasperating.

Four glasses in, Marchesi began talking again.

"I always knew your ex-boyfriend was an important man, but who would have guessed that he was from the mafia."

"That's why I never told you."

"How did that even happen? You and a mafioso. I can't imagine it."

"It was through a strange turn of events."

"If he's anything like that man, I'm not surprised you ran away from him."

Angelo smiled at that. Dante and Orazio were nothing alike. Orazio was level-headed, albeit cold, while Dante was simply mad. Even so, Angelo found Dante easier to talk to. He pitied anyone who would catch Orazio's attention.

When Marchesi couldn't sit straight anymore from the level of intoxication, Angelo called a cab for him. Leaving him alone could be dangerous. Angelo knew too well what could happen while walking alone in the dead of night. He would blame himself should anything happen to Marchesi since it was he who had got him drunk.

He spent the rest of his shift cleaning the bar, and in the end, he closed earlier. He was both tired and felt sick from the drinking.

As expected, he woke up with a bloody hangover. Feeling under the weather, he decided to sleep in. He'd sworn not to drink outside anymore, but Orazio had nettled him. It was his special ability.

Like they had agreed on, Dante came again. But Angelo was still in bed, recuperating. With heavy steps, he went to get the door.

"Hi...?" Dante looked confused when he saw what state Angelo was in. "You don't look well."

"I forgot I wasn't young anymore and drank more than I could handle."

Dante chuckled, but didn't comment on it. He probably thought Angelo was an idiot.

"Since I'm not feeling well, let's call today off. Come back tomo-" Angelo ran off to the bathroom.

"I can't leave you like this. What if you collapse while there's no one to help you?" Dante had come in and was standing behind Angelo.

I'm just hung-over! At this point, Angelo was used to Dante seeing him at his most embarrassing moments. It couldn't get much worse than being seen worshipping the porcelain god.

"You should get back in bed. I'll borrow your kitchen and make you something."


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