I Would Do It Again

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On my page, you can find conditions under which I'll update from now on. I created them so that you don't have to wait months for an update like until now. Please note that it's only tentative. The percentages can be changed after I find out how much time I get between each update.

"Leave me alone," Angelo whimpered as Dante pulled him by his arms. He was too tired to even eat, but Dante was insistent on making him taste his soup.

It made Angelo wonder, has he never been hungover? Is he even human? Why couldn't he just let him sleep a little longer? He was deadbeat and didn't feel well. If Dante had an ounce of kindness inside him, he wouldn't be pulling him out of bed.

"The soup is good for you," Dante said, "or so I heard. Try it. It will help you."

"I just vomited everything, why do you have to make me eat something again? Is this your revenge?"

"Why would you say that? I'm just worried about you. You shouldn't go to sleep on an empty stomach. You don't have to finish the bowl, a few spoonfuls are enough. Here, I'll feed you." Dante raised the spoon to his mouth and blew on it before moving it to Angelo's mouth.

Angelo didn't know why, but he flushed. It was touching that Dante wasn't trying to feed him scolding hot soup. He actually blew on it! That had never happened before.

"I can eat by myself!" Angelo's hand went to take the spoon from Dante. Being fed at his age, Angelo felt like he was being treated like a child, and he didn't care for it. He wasn't paralysed, after all. Most of the alcohol had left his system, so his hands were more stable, too.

Dante didn't let go of the spoon. With a firm hold on it, he looked into Angelo's eyes. "Will you take even this little joy from me?"

Orazio had asked Angelo to hurt Dante, but how could he do that when Dante was looking at him so earnestly? Dante's words gave him a feeling that he wanted to take away Dante's precious toy.

Are you a child? Angelo was tempted to ask, but still obediently opened his mouth.

Too close! Angelo squirmed under Dante's scrutiny, his eyes practically never left Angelo's face. The intensity was too much for Angelo to handle.

After seeing Dante's face every day for the last weeks, he should have got used to it, however, this Dante was too different from what Angelo had known. He wasn't the same person with the perpetual furrowed brows. He also didn't glare as much anymore.

"How have you been?" Angelo asked. It had been on his mind ever since their reunion, but he hadn't been courageous enough to ask. The answer scared him.

Now, that Orazio had outlined what Dante had gone through, he just had to know the truth.

There was a brief pause before Dante replied. He needed to reorganise his thoughts; a lot of things had happened in those two years, some of which had nothing to do with Angelo.

"After Beneventi died, there was some trouble with his followers, but that's not even worth mentioning. We swiftly dealt with it. Other than that, everything was the same. I'm the same."

"By that you mean you still enjoy torturing people?" It reminded Angelo of their first encounter. He'd been caught when he'd broken into the Serraino-DiGiovine mansion.

The first impression of Dante couldn't have been worse. His men had bashed him so bad it had taken him weeks to recuperate. His body had been in such a bad state that simply moving around hurt. At that time, Angelo had thought that Dante was a biggest scumbag.

If he saw him for the first time now, he wouldn't think that Dante was a bad person. That was how much he'd changed, yet he claimed to be the same. Angelo couldn't detect any hint of sarcasm. He'd always known that Dante wasn't normal, but to think that the old sadistic Dante was the same as the current one was scary.

Angelo wanted to hear something else than the situation in the family. Either Dante hadn't perceived the question correctly, or he avoided it on purpose. Anyway, Angelo needed to be more straightforward.

"Orazio told me you went through a phase. I didn't mean to give you a hard time," he looked apologetic as he said that.

"If you had known, would you have stayed?"

Angelo was hesitant to answer, seeing how important it was to Dante. He thought about what it would have been if he had stayed.

Their relationship would have been different. Would Dante have admitted that he loved him? Actually, even now, he still hadn't heard those words. Though Dante treated well, he had never said he loved him. Did he treat him like that to atone for the wrongs he'd done him?

Two years later, Dante was still hard to read.

"I see," Dante mumbled.

See what? Angelo wanted to ask, then remembered the question. Dante had misinterpreted his silence as the answer.

Angelo didn't correct him, for it wasn't false. Over the course of the last two years, he'd thought about it a lot, but he hadn't come to any conclusion. He might have felt apologetic towards Dante for disappearing without a word, but he'd never really regretted leaving.

He couldn't remember when he'd last had the chance to spend time with his family without having to watch the time. He'd known almost nothing about his sister's life, whom she hung out with, how she did in school, or if she had a crush on any boy.

Even now, he couldn't forgive himself for missing her growing up, first day at school and a better part of her birthdays. He'd completely failed her, that's why he'd been grateful for the opportunity to make it up for her if only a little. Seeing her smile was worth all the moments when he'd been guilt-ridden.

The guilt was eating at him now as he averted his eyes from Dante. His response or, more precisely, lack thereof, had cut deep. Dante's face had grown glum, a big contrast to the hopeful look he'd shown before.

"I need to get back, or Orazio will chew me out," he said, trying and failing to sound cheerful. He sounded as hurt as he was.

Angelo let him go, thinking it would be for the better. It would be cruel to raise Dante's hopes. They didn't live in the same world.

He waited until he heard the front door click shut to curl into a ball and let the tears he'd been holding in flow.

"I'm sorry..."

It's been a long time since I recommended some yaoi manga/manhwa/webcomics. This time, I put in two shounen-ai comics.

Sign Language - the story is really cute

King's Maker -  just started reading it, but it looks promising

The Priest's Chart - I love priests' robes; my 2nd favorite shounen-ai manga/webcomic after Adekan....and maybe Bloody Mary if it can be considered shounen-ai

Hitorijime My Hero - it has anime

Doronuma - it's like any other manga with a physically abused MC, but I liked it

Bakemono BL - the title says it all (warning: the 6th story might be too much for you)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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