Chapter 1

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Kat's POV:

"Please mom!!! This is everything I've ever wanted and more! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity," I say through tears. My throat is dry and cracking very frequently. I've been yelling for the past thirty minutes trying to make my point to my mother.

"Kat there are just too many reasons and logistic issues. There's no way we could possibly..."

"Issues like what?! Name ONE thing that we can't change to fit this plan," I cut her off. I can't believe she's trying to argue with me about this. There isn't anything getting in the way of my travel plans except for the problems my mom creates.

"Well first of all there's school,"

"Moooomm," she never let's me miss school. Even as a straight 100 student. I bet she thinks if I miss a day the whole world would end or something.

"You can't miss a whole week of school child,"

"Why not? We missed a week of school for dad's funeral! And don't call me child."

"That was a family issue and you know it."

"Well what if this person IS my family!"

"Well the that's a whole other problem in itself"

By now I was bawling. My face was red and splotchy, and my body was shaking with rage. I couldn't take it anymore. If I let my mother see me like this, there's no way she's take me seriously. I ran upstairs to my room.

"We can talk about this later when you quit acting like a kid!" She called after me.

Against everything my parents ever told me about treating the house like it was part mine, I slammed the door as hard as I could. I stomped around my room, out of breath from the stairs. I was out of my crying, upset stage, and entering my furious, enraged mentality.

How ridiculous can my mom get? Could this be any more unfair?? Practically drowning in my tears, I shoved my face in my Taylor Swift pillow case and screamed until I fell asleep. I dreamed of my one and only:

Jamie Campbell Bower

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