Chapter 7

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Kats POV:

(Flashback to her thoughts during the show)

Jamie was a speck in the distance when I first got to the show. I checked my phone and saw that I was late. Jamie had been playing for 20 minutes now. It was being held at Herman Park, a beautiful place with metal benches and bright flowers. He was leaning against a tree trunk, looking sexy as ever. He was dressed in a baggy T-shirt and dark jeans, and his gorgeous blond hair was tousled and wet looking. Dozens of fans had already surrounded him, but he didn't seem to mind. The only space he had was enough for his guitar and himself.

I slowly walked towards the crowd, nervous to see my celebrity crush up close. The sensation was overwhelming. I had come all the way from San Antonio on only taxis and buses, paid for with my measly allowance. In fact, I didn't have money for food later that evening, but thinking about eating at a time like that was unheard of.

I suddenly came in range of his voice, his sweet, English accent flowing in my ears.

"Alright what song is next."

The joyous fans shouted song names left and right. My courage suddenly returned to me. I figured if I journeyed the distance here, I might as well go all out.

"When in Rome..." I muttered to myself.

"Jamie!" I shout to him as loud as I could. I played volleyball, so I could make myself heard when I wanted to.

Surprisingly, he answered.

"Yeah! What's up?"

I froze. He was looking at someone else. Had he not heard me and was talking to another girl? I returned the question anyway, hoping it was directed at me.

"Can you play my favorite song? I'm from San Antonio by the way. I'm so glad you came to Houston!"

Oh my gosh, he still wasn't looking at me. I needed to do something quickly or else he would think he was imagining things.

"Over here!" I shouted.

There, he saw me. Goodness that took awhile. Then the tears started to come.

When I was little I would go to concerts that my parents would drag me too. I had no interest in the band whatsoever because they weren't really meant for my young generation. Instead of listening to the band, I would people- watch. I would see the hundreds of screaming fans bawling and crying the star's name. I thought they were idiots, and now, I've become one.

I felt so stupid having successfully gotten Jamie's attention and ending up looking like this: a grungy mess. My hair was pulled up in a messy, frizzy ponytail. My eye makeup was surely smudged from crying. But none of that stopped me from having the biggest smile on my face.

He looked directly in my eyes, and spoke. "Ah! Yes dear, what would you like to hear?"

He called me dear, he called me dear, he called me dear. I can't think I can't breath what is life what is air oh I better answer this question shoot I know this ummmmm...


Then fans started cheering, for what reason I'm not sure. Nevertheless, Jamie agreed, and started the song.

My world changed in an instant. His melodic voice was the only sound to be heard, the only sensation that was real to me. Everything else seemed to fade out, to where I was totally focused on him and his music. I then became astonished at myself to find out that I was singing along. Subconsciously following his lips to form the lyrics I was all to familiar with. I had only heard this song 293404 times.

Sure I had had countless daydreams of performing with my Prince Charming. He would sing at center stage, and I would be farther back harmonizing and dancing along. Never in a million years would I know my dream would become a reality, but against all odds it had, and I was loving it.

Jamie's POV (current time):

I frantically searched the thinning crowd for my Cinderella, where could she be? She said she was from San Antonio, maybe she went back after the song. No, no I won't believe that. She has to still be here... Right?

Suddenly I caught a glimpse of a brown ponytail, a round face, a toned body.


Damn, she was gorgeous. Even with her sweaty t-shirt and smudged eye makeup, probably from crying during the show. She seemed out if breath, like she had been running. She seemed strangely oblivious to me. She didn't see me standing on top of the small makeshift stage. But I saw her with absolute clarity.

Just then, she looked up at me, and I got caught in her light brown gaze. I couldn't release myself from her captivating eyes. It was hypnotizing and pleasant. She glanced away with a bashful smile on her face, obviously blushing. And I sat there and watched her pretend to be nonchalant. There was no rush; I didn't have to fly back to London for another three days, and tonight was all free for me.

I collected myself, and made the courageous decision to go talk to her. The bulk of the crowd had left, so I could possibly make a clean getaway without anyone noticing I was openly chatting with fans. I was so close, yet so far. Half of the way there, a dreaded fangirl stopped me.

"Oh my God! You were sooooo great like I can't even like I'm your biggest fan!"

Somehow I highly doubt that. I was pissed at her for interrupting my purposeful walk. Nevertheless, I put a smile on my face and said, "aww well thank you so much!"

I tried to sidestep and continue my journey, when the annoying "biggest fan" halted me AGAIN!! Ugh goddamnit. "Hello again," I said in a somewhat aggravated cheery tone. I glanced behind my human barricade and saw my lovely start to disappear into the confusing crowd.

"Ya um could I like, get a picture? I mean, if you don't mind..." She asked with a pleading tone. She could tell I didn't want to talk to her.

"Ummmm ya sure I guess but really quick," There was no point in trying to be polite now.

She held her camera up high and took about five billion selfies, duck faces mostly. I smiled for a few, but then I had enough. "Alright nice to meet you," I mutter and I practically shove her out if the way.

I run into the crowd trying to find my mysterious singing girl, but to no avail. She wasn't where she was just a minute ago. She was long gone, probably back to San Antonio. I sighed the loudest sigh I could, turned around, and walked back to my guitar setup. Keeping my head low, I pulled out my purple phone and checked my messages. Nothing. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Sorry dear I'm very busy and don't have time for pic-" I turned around, still looking at my phone. I glanced up for a second, and came eye to eye with my mystery girl.

----------------authors note---------------

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait (if you care at all) thank you for all the reads and please vote and comment. I know I'm annoying for asking but whatever! Oh and...


Um so I'm like completely broke but I'm in desperate need of new books. I've added about $400 worth of books so if you could possibly help a fellow book-lover out then check out this list:


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