Chapter 5

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Jamie's POV (finally):

There's a giant me staring back at me. But this me is different. This me is not awkward. It is poised, and it is fake.

That sounds like a song lyric. I quickly pull out my iPhone and type it down in my notes. There's not much time to write lyrics these days, what with the Burberry contract and all. But I try to compose when I can.

I put my phone with my purple cat case in my guitar case. I want to keep it safe from the fans while I play.

"Alright what song is next?" I ask the audience in my usual cheery tone.

The crowd goes wild. I love these types of fans, the kind that support you no matter what you say or do.

"Sorry if I seem a bit distracted today," I apologize, gazing at the fans. "I'm incredibly vain and there's a giant billboard of me right over there so all I want to do is look at myself." I laugh while pointing to the Burberry sign in the horizon.

Everybody laughs along with me. Some shout "I LOVE YOU" and some are trying to take selfies with me. I wink at their front camera and stick out my tongue so they may have a decent picture. They turn around and smile at me.

I love playing at these pop-up concerts I tweet about. They are so uplifting and fun. Everybody's happy here, and that's all I've ever wanted. Someone calls out to me.


"Yeah! What's up?"

I notice where the voice is coming from. Or at least I think I do.

"Can you play my favorite song? I'm from San Antonio by the way. I'm so glad you came to Houston!"

No that wasn't her, her lips weren't moving. She must've noticed I was having trouble locating her, because she called out.

"Jamie over here!"

I finally found her. A rather tall teenage girl with straight brown hair tied up in a ponytail and a smile so bright it makes the stars and moon jealous. Her face was splotchy, and you could tell she was tearing up. I can't fathom why I have that effect on people. I'm just a person, but I guess I'm not to them.

" Ah! Yes dear, what would you like to hear?"


The crowd cheers in agreement.

"Well I usually don't play that song live and without my band. But for you darling, I'll make an exception."

She lights up even more, and I start to sing and strum.

There's a killer knocking at my front door

I don't know if I should let him in

There's a sense of impending doom pushing down on me.

All of the fans are clapping along or nodding their head to the beat. But she was singing along, singing at full volume actually. It was hard to hear because she was pretty far away, but she sounded amazing. And she knew every word, never missing a beat. Other people were giving her weird glances, but she didn't care. Her eyes were locked on me and my guitar. Just then I realized my eyes were also locked on her, but I couldn't help it. It's not every day you come across a fan dedicated enough to know every word to my songs. The chorus came along:

You were never what you wanted to be

Never what I needed for me

If you see then let's go back

As I was singing I swore I heard background vocals, like what my band does, but prettier, and more melodic. Of course, it was coming from the girl. She was singing in perfect harmony with me. It's sounded like we'd been playing together for years.

And you were never what you wanted to be

Never what you needed for me

And the back of my hand shows

I'm just not into you

We ended the song in glorious exact syncopation. By then everybody had quieted down to hear us sing. They had realized something special was happening, a fan was actually performing with me. We never took our eyes off each other the whole time. Her average looks made me fear that if I looked away for one second I might lose her forever. I broke into the biggest smile and the fans stared wildly cheering.

I had to speak to this girl. She had to know how much I appreciate her. I need to give her a hug or a guitar pick or... Something. But that was the end. My fear had come true. I looked down to push my blonde hair out if my face, and when I looked up, she wasn't there anymore. I frantically scanned the crowd to find her, but she was gone. Just then I heard the familiar voice.

"Thank you Jamie!"

My head shot up to the sound. I looked just in time to see a straight brown ponytail swooshing back and forth and moving away from the crowd.

The rest of the show was a daze.

------------Authors Note-----------------





How was the first chapter with Jamie's POV? I actually like doing his POV more than mine lol. So ya just want to clarify that I'm NOT like my character in this fanfic. The girl in this book I way more self conscious. She also hates her mom, and her dads dead. Neither of those things are the same with me. Anywhooo hope y'all are liking it! Please keep reading and voting. Love y'all! XXX

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