Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

{Avery's POV}

"Do you know what's wrong with Hunt?" April asked me as we stopped at the nurse's station on the ICU floor. I followed her gaze to see Owen standing a few feet away, just staring at something. His phone was in his hands but it was like he didn't even realize it, like he was in a trance or something.

"Hunt?" I walked over to him. He glanced at me but then looked back at whatever had caught his attention. I followed his gaze and found that he was staring into the same room that a lot of us had been watching repeatedly for a week. It was the same as always with Mark lying in his hospital bed, hooked up to various machines to keep him alive. His skin has a paleness to it for his heart problems, his hair askew from his not doing the constant upkeep that he usually did. He wasn't the same man that had been teaching me these past couple years how to become a great surgeon, he was a shell of that man.

There was something new to the room though, a woman. She had her back to me as she sat in the chair at Mark's bedside, holding his hand. From what I could see she had long dark brown hair that seemed to have lighter shades mixed in here and there. Her hair seemed to have been in a braid of some sort that had since fallen apart and now fell past her shoulders in messy waves. She wore a pair of jeans and a long sleeved maroon colored shirt, both of which looked damp, along with a pair of black boots. My gaze kept going back to her hands which were firmly wrapped around one of Mark's, careful of the IV in it.

"Who's that?" I asked Owen without taking my eyes off the woman.

"I don't know, she just came in here asking where Mark's room was. Brooks said that she ran into her in the stairwell and she hit her head on the railing. Brooks tried to help her when she saw that she was bleeding but the woman just kept going, ignoring her help." Owen shook his head. "Mark's never mentioned someone else, only Julia and..." He trailed off but I knew what he was going to say, he was going to say Lexie.

"Let me talk to her." I offered before making my way across the hall. Taking a deep breath I entered the glass room. The woman didn't even look up when I walked in, she just kept holding his hand. I walked around the head of Mark's bed and looked over his different machines and saw that everything was the same as it'd been this morning when I'd checked on him before my shift. I looked over at the woman to see that her eyes were closed and her lips moved slightly like she were whispering something to herself. On her forehead, just above her left eyebrow was a cut that had some dried blood on it from where Owen had said Brooks had seen her hit her head.

"Excuse me?" Her eyes snapped open as soon as I spoke up. I noticed that they were a gray blue color and had a slight red tint to them that matched the slight tear stains running down her cheeks. "Who are you?"

"Bria Howard," she introduced herself in just over a whisper, like she was afraid to wake up Mark. "Mark and I are old friends." Something in her voice seemed off as she said this.

"Well Bria some nurses are about to come in here and clean Mark up," I lied. "I'm going to need you to leave for that, while they're doing though I can take a look at that cut and get you fixed up."

"I'm fine." She brushed me off.

"It's really no problem, I'll be done before the nurses are finished in here." I assured her as she really looked at me for the first time. Her blue eyes narrowed and glaring at me with clear annoyance shining in them. Without saying another word she grabbed the bag at her feet and made her way out of them room.

I looked down at Mark's sleeping form, I could only imagine what he'd say about this if he were awake. He'd probably crack jokes about me driving hot women away and would jokingly kick me out of this room so she might come back. If only he were awake so he could tell us who that really was and how they knew one another. She seemed a little young for them to be involved but then again there'd been quite an age gap between him and Lexie but they were obviously in love. This woman really seemed to care about Mark and was upset at how bad he was doing, if she was important how come Mark had never mentioned her before?

"What have you gotten yourself into Sloan?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't answer. Man, I wished that plane hadn't crashed.

{Bria's POV}

I couldn't deal with the stranger's pestering about helping me with my cut, he was so annoying! Once I left the room I noticed Owen and a woman with long red hair standing at the nurses' station watching me. Her hair wasn't as bright as his, it had more of a browner tint to it and she looked a little taller than me with dark brown eyes and wore light blue scrubs. Ignoring them I headed down different halls until I found myself in a supply room. Throwing my bag to the ground I felt myself starting to get angry.

This couldn't be happening! He couldn't be dying! He was though, it was obvious when I sat there with him and held his limp hand. Lying there in that bed he was only a shell of the man I knew and cared about more than anything else in the world. I couldn't lose him.

"I won't." I promised myself as I wiped unshed tears from my eyes and started to look through the shelves of supplies until I found a laceration kit to bandage up my head. I flipped on the lights in the small room and found a mirror and a stool. Sitting on the stool I opened the kit and used the mirror to clean off the blood around the cut before I started to stick myself up. The pain of the needle in my skin was like a relentless stinging but I ignored it and finished up. Looking over my work in the mirror I saw that it wasn't too bad for sticking myself up without numbing the area first. I covered it with a small bandage and tossed the trash into a small waste bin.

That was done, it only took ten minutes. I knew the nurses wouldn't be done with Mark yet so I started heading back towards the nurses' station where I frowned at the sight of Owen still there with the woman and the man who'd talked to me in Mark's room. I plainly ignored them and walked over to a nurses standing a good five feet away from them. I avoided looking at them but I could still feel their gazes on me.

"May I help you?" The nurse asked me with a small smile.

"I need the room number of a patient." I kept my voice quiet so the others wouldn't overhear me.

"What's their name?" She started typing into the computer but paused as she waited for the name.

"Derek Shepard."

A/N: I know this isn't that long but I thought that'd be a good place to end this chapter, what do you guys think?

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