39 Clues Chats

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Author's Note:

Hi, I really appreciate you for reading this:) I really love 39 Clues. This is my first time publishing a story in wattpad. I hope you will like my story:) Harry Potter Conversations and Harry Potter Facebook chats inspired me to write this, Read it too it's very funny and I love Harry Potter too:)

There will be new usernames in the future:)

These are their usernames:

SuperFantasticNinja= Dan Cahill

SmartBookworm= Amy Cahill

MuscleMan= Hamilton Holt

FamousMe= Jonah Wizard

PrettyinEverything= Natalie Kabra

HotBritishGuy= Ian Kabra

So let us begin:)


SuperFantasticNinja logged in.

SuperFantasticNinja's Status: I am an awesome ninja!

SmartBookworm logged in.

Smartbookworm: Yes you are. *Sarcasm* (Rolled her eyes)

SuperFantasticNinja: Jealous much? Amy don't worry I'll show you how to be awesome like me (me me me me)

PrettyinEverything logged in.

PrettyinEverything: Just realize it Dan you're far from being awesome!

SuperFantasticNinja: I. Am. Awesome. and wait......... did you just call me Dan?!

PrettyinEverthing: What? It just slipped:P Dream on Daniel, just plain forget it!!

MuscleMan logged in.

MuscleMan: Hi everyone:) Woah, Natalie called you Dan?! Did my eyes decieve me? She just called you Dan!

SuperFantasticNinja: Told you so I am awesome. I can't wait for the next Cahill reunion and I will show it to all of them:)

MuscleMan: Nice one dude;). I too can't wait for the next Cahill reunion too.

SuperFantasticNinja: Thank you Thank you bows*

PrettyinEverything: I'll tell them it was a lie! Dolt don't you dare tell anyone!! delete it Daniel I command you!!

SuperFantasticNinja: Too late:) I already saved it thanks to my new iphone 5:). And I will never delete it so everyone can see it.

PrettyinEverything: I'll just hack  your computer!!

SuperFantasticNinja: Sorry I asked ekaterinas to make my computer unhackable to anyone:)

MuscleMan: True very true, Once I tried to hack Dan's computer it didn't work:/

SuperFantasticNinja: Dude, You tried to hack my computer and I called you my best cousin. How could you!!

MuscleMan: But.....*thinks*........... you're really really AWESOME.

SuperFantasticNinja: You know how to make me happy.:)

SmartBookworm: Boys....

PrettyinEverything: Whatever losers. Dan when I see you, say goodbye to your life since I will use my dart gun with the best poison evahh!! Tata!:) Wait for me Dan.

PrettyinEverything logged off.

SuperFantasticNinja: She gives me the creeps. shudders* Anyway I'm awesome:D

MuscleMan: I know right, She is way too scary.

FamousMe logged in.

FamousMe: Yo homies:)

MuscleMan: My man, what's up?

SuperFantasticNinja: Read my Status and our convos:)

SmartBookworm: Hi Jonah!

FamousMe: Dan your status is off the chain. Seriously Natalie called you Dan:O I can't believe Natalie finally called you Dan all these years. I'm proud of you man;).

SuperFantasticNinja: What can I say I am an Awesome guy;)

HotBritishGuy logged in.

HotBritishGuy: you're not awesome, I am:)

SuperFantasticGuy: Nope you're not I am and your name is Ian, just Plain Ian.

HotBritishGuy: Don't you mean hot/rich/awesome guy (smirks*). How are you love? Miss me?

MuscleMan: I think I'm gonna puke.

FamousMe: Me too

SmartBookworm: Never! Don't call me love it's Amy with an A. What's with the username?

HotBritishGuy: Oh come on you love my username. Where did your stutter go?:( *pouts*

SmartBookworm: We're in the internet, Duh!

SuperFantasticNinja: Go Sistah!!

HotBritishGuy: Did Natalie, my little sister, called Daniel, Dan??

SuperFantasticNinja: Cuz I told you I'm awesome:)

FamouseMe: Gotta go, gotta sign tons of autographs. Ciao!

MuscleMan: Me too, I gotta go to the gym. Besides can't take the mushy love talk any longer your destroying my sanity. I love you all my cousins:) (except Ian of course). Bye!

FamousMe logged out.

MuscleMan logged out.

SmartBookworm: Me too gotta catch on my books.

SmartBookworm logged out.

SuperFantasticNinja: And she told me she's not a geek. Anyway gotta go too and polish my swords:) But first gonna update my status.

SuperFantasticNinja updated his status.

SuperFantasticNinja's Status: I am an awesome ninja to prove it, Natalie called me Dan for the first time in forever (Too much Frozen).

SuperFantasticNinja logged out.

HotBritishGuy: Don't leave me. I feel so lonely:( Oh well gotta go too. And finish editing my photos:)

HotBritishGuy logged out.

End of the First Chapter:)


Author's Note:

In case you didn't know Ian and Natalie called Dan, Daniel. Okay anyway hope you like it :) Should I continue? If yes vote or comment:) What's your branch? Tell me your branch on the comment:) and by the way I'm a Janus:) My Conscience said, "obviously, your username is cheerfuljanus! Duh!". Anyway Hope you like it I know I'm not an amazing author but I really want to make you smile and laugh:) Bye! See ya on the next chapter:)

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