Started with Dan's status

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Hi:) Thank you to FearisnotEvil, follow her if you love fairy tail, she has tons of stories about it, tintin_39clues and to you all my fellow cahills. Anyway thank you so much:) 

Sorry if I'm not gonna put the username again just refer to the last chapters:) But except for a new characters; Give it up for Evan Tolliver!:) He'll be BookNerd and some other random characters, btw I don't own any of the characters except me. So yeah. Their all logged in already. Let us begin.......3.......2.......1............wait for it..........0 boom.

Author/IamMae: Me

BookNerd: Evan Tolliver


SuperFantasticNinja changed his status.

SuperFantasticNinja's Status: TGIF! No more teachers telling you, detention!


Author: Although I never experienced detention yet. But yeah Thank God it's Friday!!!!

SuperFantasticNinja: Seriously Isabel, you're too old to experience it. Are you stalking me? Or worse you're in love with me although I should be flattered I think that's gross.

SiriusBlack: She's not Sirius I am.

SmartBookworm: O.o

Author: I have 3 things to tell you. 1 I am not Isabel. 2 I am not old, I am immortally a teen. 3 Dan,I am not in love with you.

SuperFantasticNinja: So basically you're old like 1113 or up, in a teen's body.

Author: If I'm with you I could've  swore I poured very cold water on you by now.

PJ: Need my help?

Author: Thanks Percy but no thanks.

SuperFantasticNinja: Pfft. Just admit it you're in love with me.

BookNerd: Dan don't tease the girl.

SmartBookworm: Yeah Dan.

Author: I hate you.

PrettyinEverything: Now you know what I feel.

Author: Natalie, I think we will become friends:)

PrettyinEverything: I agree, so what's your name?

Author changed her username IamMae.

IamMae: So yeah I'll just stick with my second name since for privacy unless you know my name.

PrettyinEverything: You're a Janus right?

IamMae: Yep, Remember Luke and Jane are very close sibling so maybe we can be very close like them:))

PrettyinEverything: Totally! Best Friends Forever.

Elsa: You befriended someone that you just met?!

IamMae: Oh come on!

PrettyinEverything: Elsa, you're such a party pooper. :/

Elsa: Oh fine.

Romeo: Oh Juliet, are you in facebook.

Juliet: Oh Romeo, I am here. I love this technolgy.

SuperFantasticNinja: Great, Random People came to my conversations. Just amazing sarcasm*.

IamGreat: It all started from Dan's status.

SuperFantasticNinja: Hi Harry.

IamGreat: Hello to you too, Dan:)

Bob: Hi I'm Bob^_^

JackFrost: Uhh, Hi Bob?

FamousMe: Surely your not serious Dan.

SiriusBlack: I am Sirius and I thought his name was Dan not Shirley. Siriusly Confused*

So now random people kept on getting in Dan's conversation. I don't know when will this never ending convo will stop it will go on and on.


Me: BTW I am not in love with Dan but maybe just a tini tiny bit.

Dan: Gotcha! I heard you. Now to add the girl to The Girls Who Like Me List.

Me: Whatever. Weird,  you keep something weird.

Thanks for reading:) This random idea just popped inside my very head.

Dont forget to vote or comment:) Thank you to all the voters, the ones who comments, And most importantly the loyal readers:) Comment if you want to be included in the story:)

Stay awesome fellow cahills:)) Call me Mae if you want:)

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