Chapter 1

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Looking out of the odd spherical window, Beth saw the endless black expanse of space. With all their research, scientists still couldn't calculate its size. She marveled at its wonder and mystery.

The starship Songbird contained over 3,000 passengers and roughly 1,000 crew members. Funded by the New Hope colonization program, the starship was expected to arrive on the planet Nyx in just over a year.

Songbird had been nineteen-year-old Beth Fields home for almost 2 full years. The journey to Nyx took approximately 3 years. The passengers had the option to go into stasis, many people, almost all, chose this option. Beth chose to stay awake, she had dreamed of space travel since she was a young girl and she wasn't going to miss a moment of it.

Finally looking away from the window, Beth's eyes fell on the small framed photograph on her small bedside desk. Each passenger was allowed one personal item. Part of the colonization agreement was that they were to start out fresh, with a clean slate. It was a picture of her family. She loved her family, but never really got along with them. She often wondered if she had been adopted. They assured her she wasn't, but she still kept that thought in the back of her head. Beth probably missed her mother the most, but obviously not enough to persuade her to stay on earth. This program meant you would leave everything behind.

Beth's mother didn't know how to show love and was very distant. There were many instances when they would be sitting together alone for hours without a word said between them. When Beth tried to initiate conversation, she got shut down, most often with phrases like, "Wouldn't you rather be doing something else," or, "Mind your own business."

Her father was a whole other story. He was very abusive, but Beth could still see love in the midst of his violence and anger.

When Beth was just six years old, her three-year-old brother died. He was taking a bath before bed one night and Mom had stepped out of the bathroom for a moment. When she returned, he had drowned. It was a tragic accident. That event is probably why Beth's mom grew so distant.

The framed photograph Beth chose to bring with her was the last family picture they'd had before her brother died. It was the last picture her family ever took with everyone genuinely smiling. From then on it was all unemotional, stone-hard faces or fake smiles.

Glancing from the picture to a mirror that hung on the wall, she studied her features. She didn't feel pretty or impressive at all. With straw blonde hair and an average build. There was probably millions of people who looked just like her. Except for her eyes, they were violet. The most vibrant, intense shade you can imagine. That was the one thing that made her unique. She was very smart, graduating high school a few months before, she'd planned on joining the colonization program, and here she was on a starship, racing through the stars, a future filled with hope and adventure.

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