Chapter 19

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After only a few minutes of reading, Beth found herself re-reading sentences because her mind was wandering. She tried to concentrate on what she was reading, but it was useless. Beth shut off her holo-desk and flung herself back on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, scanning its smooth white surface for flaws. She found none. There was not a single blemish nor speck of dust to be found.

Sighing, Beth turned to her side and shut her eyes. She thought of the strange door and elevator. "Are there secrets on this ship? Or was that just a boring science department with scientists doing sciency things?It probably was, but that lady looked like she was hiding something." Beth continued thinking and made up several far-fetched scenarios in her head, (which she knew could never be true), but it was nice having something to think about.

After a while, her imaginings came to an end."It's none of my business anyway."She said to herself, as she got up and stretched. Beth yawned. She looked at the clock. It was almost dinner time. The bell would ring any second now.


"We have no idea how the serum will react to her DNA. We've had no proper testing time. For all we know, she could explode any minute!" Said Doctor Mason.

"Don't be such a pessimist. Doctor Smith left detailed instructions on how and what to do with all things concerning the serum." Reassured Dr. Ruth Bridger." The girl will be fine, the serum is intended to enhance dormant human abilities, and I don't think 'exploding' is one of them."

"I just wish Dr. Smith and your husband hadn't gotten themselves caught. It's so much harder without them. I feel like we have no idea what we're doing."

"All we are doing right now is monitoring the girl. If all goes well in her development, then we can start administering the serum ship-wide." Said Mrs. Bridger.

"How?" Asked Dr. Mason.

"I was thinking we could say it's an inoculation for the planet or some sort of flu-shot. We could even try something airborne or put it in the food." Replied Mrs.Bridger.

"Those are good ideas. It sure helps that I'm on the medical staff." Said Dr. Mason.

"Yes, that's very fortunate." Said Mrs. Bridger." That might be the best way in to administer it. Since we already have it in shot form."

Suddenly the lab-door burst open and a lady walked in.

"Excuse me, doctors." She said.

"What is it, Miss Cane?" Mrs. Bridger asked, annoyed.

"Someone's been snooping around up here." Miss Cane replied.

"Who?" Asked the doctors in unison.

"A girl. I think it was the test subject." Answered Cane.

"Oh, we've been observing her. She does seem to be a very curious young woman. Make sure we get some better security though. We can't have anyone else stumbling upon this lab. It's hard enough keeping this a secret from the captain. We can't allow anyone snooping around here and raising suspicion. It could eventually reach the captain's ears." Said Mrs. Bridger.

"Yes ma'am, I'll get right on it." Said Miss Cane. She then promptly turned and exited the lab.

"Things just keep getting worse." Said Dr. Mason in a dismal tone.

"Stop fretting, nothing happened, we are fine." Reassured Mrs. Bridger.

"Soon we'll all be in the brig." Continued Dr. Mason.

"No, We won't. Come on Dr. Mason, have some faith." Mrs. Bridger said.

"Humanity is doomed."

"Oh, shut up! Let's get back to work." Said Mrs. Bridger, losing her patience.


The dinner bell rang and Beth went to the door. As she reached her hand out to open the door, she suddenly felt like an anvil was dropped on her head. She recoiled her hand and clutched her skull in pain. Beth looked at the door, it looked distorted and hazy, like looking at a TV with bad cable connection. Then it fazed out completely.

Beth blinked at the sudden brightness. Her headache was gone. When her eyes adjusted, she looked at her surroundings. She was back in the meadow, with the fungus-like trees.

"I must be hallucinating, or maybe I passed out."Beth thought to herself.

She pinched her arm, hard. "Ow!" She exclaimed aloud.

Then she felt a breeze. It was warm. "Can you feel things in a hallucination?"She thought. "This is too real. I must really be here. Wherever 'here' is."

She looked around again, suddenly remembering the injured man she'd seen last time. There was no sign of him. Not knowing what else to do, she started walking. After about what seemed like a mile or two, Beth stopped. She was now in the 'forest' of trees if they were trees. Her stomach growled. "Why couldn't this have happened after dinner."She thought hungrily.

Beth looked up into the trees. There was some sort of fruit growing there. She walked to one with lower branches and picked one of the gourd-like fruits. She examined it. It was fuzzy, like a peach, but more like moss. She then peeled some of the 'moss' off, like an orange peel. Then she smelled it. The scent kind of reminded Beth of caramel. She looked at the insides of the fruit. It was lime-green, with red veins."It kinda looks familiar."She thought. Then she suddenly remembered. These trees were some of the plants she had studied. "I'm on Nyx!" She exclaimed. Her surroundings were now starting to become more familiar to her, from her hours of studying probe images and descriptions of the plants and terrain.

Beth took a bite of the fruit, which she now knew was edible. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted. It was so good, and she was so hungry, she quickly gobbled it up. She then began eating another one, and she also picked some for later.

As she finished her second piece of fruit, she remembered their name. They were called 'Heart-Limes' for their veiny insides and bright green color. Beth thought about how good it felt to finally eat something other than mush.

Her hunger now satisfied, for the time being, she began walking again. When her legs couldn't go any further, Beth sat down under one of the trees. She was utterly alone and began to feel a little scared. "How did I get here?" She thought to herself."And how long will I be here?"

Beth began to think many more troubling thoughts, but being so tired from all the walking, she lay down, cozied up against the tree and was soon asleep.

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