Chapter 8

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   Beth awoke with her hair plastered to her head by sweat. Her heart was racing and she was breathing quite heavily. She tried to remember why and recalled that she had been having a nightmare about being back in that room. She shuddered at the thought.

   The lights had been turned off and she could hear the faint sound of snoring from somewhere nearby so she knew that it must be night time. The lights flickered on and Gloria walked in.

   "Sorry to disturb you so late at night," she said in a very apologetic voice.

   "It's fine. I was awake anyway." Beth dismissed the apology. "what is it?"

   "Well, after what happened, all of the technicians were working overtime to crack the layers of hacking put there by whoever was holding you," Gloria explained. "and we found that the name of room's occupant is Aaron Smith."

   It took moment for this to register in Beth's mind, but when it did she asked: "What does he look like?"

  At first, Gloria looked confused but she must have made the connection because she replied: "the file on him stated that he is Caucasian with dark brown hair and brown eyes and that he is six foot, five inches tall."

   Beth's heart sank. The description didn't sound like her captor at all, but then she remembered that there had been two people in the room, not just one. She told this to Gloria and also described the man with the scar. After a few moments of thought, Gloria said: "I'll get the tech crew to try and find a man with that description." With that, she started to walk away but paused halfway to the door, turned around, and said: "You should know that security has already apprehended Aaron Smith."

   "Okay, thank you again for all you've done, Gloria," Beth said with a relieved smile. Gloria turned and left.

   Beth suddenly felt exhausted and quickly fell asleep.

   Beth woke with a gentle tapping on her arm. "What is it?" she asked sleepily.

   "Ma'am, will you please come with me?" Beth's eyes snapped open at the unfamiliar voice. She found herself looking into the eyes of a security officer.

   He repeated his question and Beth quickly said: "Of course, where to?"

   The officer glanced toward the door and said: "We would like you to identify which of the three suspects is the man you described."

   Beth was surprised. "Three?" she asked, amazed.

   "Yes," the officer replied curtly. "Now can we please get going?" he asked, obviously annoyed.

   "Oh, sorry," Beth said, blushing slightly. She quickly pulled off her covers and followed the officer to a small room with a big window filling up most of one wall.

   Through the window, Beth could see that there were, in fact, three bald men with scars. However, she saw at once that the man on the far left was the man who had injected her.

   She pointed him out and said: "he's the one. I'm absolutely certain."

   The officer nodded and reached up to his ear. He pushed a button on the com-link attached to his ear. It made a faint beeping sound and the officer said: "far left." Immediately, two security personnel rushed into the other room and seized the man. Beth relaxed muscles that she hadn't realized she had been clenching. She hadn't known until then how much stress she had been carrying.

   The officer let her leave and she found her way, with little difficulty, back to the medical bay. There was a doctor waiting when she arrived.

   "Hello, Beth," he said pleasantly.

   "Umm... hi?" Beth said uncertainly.

   "No need to be alarmed." The doctor assured her. "I'm just here to tell you that you're free to go back to your own room now."

   Beth sighed in relief. Finally, this whole thing would be over. "Thank you very much, doctor," Beth said.

   "Please, call me Monroe." The friendly doctor replied cheerfully.

   "Okay. Thank you, Monroe." She said with a chuckle. "I'll be leaving now. Bye." She waved to Monroe and left the medical bay.

   Halfway to her room, Beth's muscles started to ache where the needles had torn so harshly through her skin. She groaned and rubbed the sore spots.

   When she reached her room she stripped off her clothes and got in bed. Just as she was dozing off, Beth remembered Liam. He must have been so worried. She logged on to her holo-desk and quickly typed: "Hey, Liam. I'm still okay. Just letting you know, but I'm really tired so I'm going to sleep. See you at dinner."

   Beth sent the message and got a simple "Okay, good." Back from Liam. He was probably busy right about now. She logged off and got into bed. She clapped off the lights and lay in bed for a few minutes before she dozed off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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