Chapter 34

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It was decided that after a few expeditions from the exploration department were sent out to make sure that it was safe, they would disembark immediately. It was a pretty much unanimous vote, after everyone came to their senses, of course.

When the expeditionary team came back, they reported that everything seemed fine. There were no visible life forms that could harm them, and if there were any, then they were far enough away that they wouldn't be a problem. There were no detectable diseases in the air, and the soil seemed perfect to start growing their plants and produce. The naturally growing plant life was also tested, and it was discovered to be edible to livestock.

Of course, the largest animals that they'd been allowed to bring on the ship were guinea pigs, meat rabbits, and chickens, but they were still animals, and they would be able to eat the tall, blueish grass that grew in abundance on the planet's surface.

They started unloading their stores as soon as the announcement was made. Everyone pitched in with a helping hand, and after four long hours of lifting and hauling, they had most of the livestock and seeds unloaded, besides having nearly six partially-built structures.

Poor Beth and Liam were completely forgotten through all of the excitement, and they were left down in the engine room for the duration of the four-hour work shift. It was during the food break that the head engineer finally remembered them, and he quickly rushed to tell them the good news. He seemed pretty confused when Liam wasn't very excited about finally being on Nyx, but of course, there were things that he didn't know. (like the fact that Liam had already been there.)

Beth was still asleep, and Liam and the head engineer worked together to get her to her room. Liam was careful to warn Kelbar that someone else was coming in, and at first, he was worried that the alien wouldn't get the hint, but when they opened the door, Kelbar was nowhere in sight, probably hiding in the bathroom or closet.

They set Beth down on her bed, and then both of the men made their way down to help with the work, which had resumed.

Whenever there was a second of free time, Liam would run to check on Beth. Kelbar was still out of sight, and Liam wondered if the alien had been spooked when he and the head engineer had come in. Liam hoped that he would return soon. He didn't want Beth to be alone when she was sleeping so deeply.

It was nearly sunset when they had everything unloaded, and all of the temporary shelters set up. Every shelter would house almost fifty people. None of the shelters had room for anything more than sleeping. They had also started staking out an area where they would begin farming. They unloaded the animals near the structures so that if there were any predatory animals, they wouldn't get to the livestock.

The guinea pigs squeaked loudly at the scent of fresh food, and the chickens were just as excited with their clucking. The rabbits made no sound, but they did rile up, running back and forth in their cages.

Huge handfuls of blue grass were fed to each enclosure. Everyone, including the animals, was happy with the day's work.

Everyone went back into the ship, for what most people guessed to be the last time. They got everything that was left. Blankets and bedding for sleeping, personal items, the last few bags of grains that were left behind, absolutely everything that wasn't bolted down.

The only room that hadn't been raided was Beth's, and when everyone else was gathered around the huge bonfires in the clearing near the ship, Liam stole away to check on Beth. He was worried that the sound of the huge ship doors being opened would alert someone that he was trying to sneak in, but the doors had been left open. He breathed a sigh of relief as he rushed to Beth's room.

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