Chapter 36

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   Standing just in front of the captain, there was a very tall- something. Standing at least two feet over the tallest person in the room. At first glance, the captain wouldn't have even noticed the strange figure, but as he took a closer look, he could tell that the thing was definitely not human.

   Its hair, although not a strange color, was an odd texture, almost like some of the native plants that grew on Nyx. Although his flesh was the color of a normal Caucasian, upon closer inspection, it was made up of small scales. His eyes were perhaps the strangest of all. They were pure black- no irises, no pupils, just a darkness blacker than pitch.

   The captain was speechless. They had obviously not sent out good enough probes if they could have missed two entire species, not to mention ones as major as humanoids and evil bird-dragons. He sighed deeply, hoping to God that there weren't more undiscovered hostile creatures lurking nearby.

   Most of the people in the room were huddled into small groups, and they had no idea that there was a literal alien amongst them. Not one person had noticed the tall figure. The only people that seemed to have noticed were two younger people, sitting not far from where the alien was standing. One of them looked vaguely familiar, a young blonde woman that was fast asleep, laying in the lap of the other one- a young man with wavy brown hair.

   Captain West walked over to the young man, then crouched down to get on eye-level with him. Carter and the head engineer, from what he heard them murmuring about, hadn't noticed the alien either.

   The young man seemed very startled to see the captain. In fact, he seemed too shocked for words, and from the looks of his tired eyes, he seemed to have been dozing off.

   "What do you know about what happened?" the captain asked, wanting to draw it out of him without asking directly.

   "Uh, um... w-well... you see..." the man trailed off, at a loss for words. The captain raised his eyebrows. "We- uuhmmm..." he tried again, but just like the last time, words failed him.

   "Well, you can start by telling me who that is." The captain told him, pointing to the alien, standing less than five feet away.

   "Well, uh, that- that's Kelbar." The man stuttered out, shaking the woman's shoulder gently to wake her up.

   "And who is Kelbar?" the captain asked, unsatisfied with the answer.

   "He's..." the man scrunched his face up in thought. He shook the woman's arm again, and this time, her eyes fluttered open. "He- uhhhhh... I don't really know." The man finished.

   "What happened?" the woman asked groggily from his lap. She had eyes the color of lavender, which was quite shocking. It was extremely rare to have violet eyes.

   The man muttered a few things to her, and whatever he said must have shocked her, because she immediately sat bolt upright, her eyes wide.

   "Oh, gosh." She muttered, catching sight of Captain West.

   "Maybe you can explain this to me." The captain said. The young man had been of little help, and he still wanted to know what was happening.

    From the sounds of things, Carter had just noticed the alien, which prompted several other people to notice as well, and he tried to concentrate on the woman in front of him as the murmuring grew to full-on confused shouting. All the while, the pounding on the outside of the ship continued.

   The woman swallowed. She raised herself off of the man's lap, still staring at the captain. "Well, where do you want me to start?" she asked, glancing around at the growing commotion.

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