IX. Silver Ice Leopard

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Right now, I am together with my mother here in gazebo at our mansion's rose garden playing chess while drinking my favorite rose tea.

Since the day I escaped from that night, I am grounded to leave my room unless I am with mother.

I can only get back my freedom unless I win against her in chess but mother is a genius when it comes to chess. What can a three years old like me win against a twenty plus years old her?

As I pout while thinking my next move, I heard a sound of cat somewhere and a white flash landed on my lap. I smile when I look at her and touch her silky-like silvery fur.

It's been a two weeks since I met Luna. I'll never forget that night. That magical yet mysterious night encounter with Luna. The night that will tie my fate to Luna, the night that will change my life forever.

Just ten step away from me before it stop in front of me. It licks its lips as if it knew that its prey have no strength of running away.

I can't control myself from trembling. My sweat continuously flowing even though the night is as cold as ice.

I should be scared. That was the normal reaction of a normal person if they are in my current situation but no, I don't feel even a tiniest bit of fear in my system.

I am trembling not because of fear but because of excitement.

Yes. I am excited... weird but it is true.

A normal person should be running away right now after seeng this monster. No. It is not a monster, it is a very big cat taller than human with firm yet slender muscle, silvery-white silky and fluffy fur that covered with greyish black spot, a golden shaped crown on her forehead, a bloody red ruby eyes, and its big and scary teeth that is growling at me.

I should run away.

That was the words that keep running in my head but I don't know why my body feels hot and I can even hear the fast beats of my heart and the flow of blood inside my veins.

I don't know why I feel this way but all I know is I want to hold her.

Her? Why does I know its gender even if it is my first time seeing her?

My feet started walking on her own like I am not even in the control of my own body.

This is not right. It shouldn't be happening. I should not have left home but it is too late to feel regret.

Regret? Why does this word seems distance and wrong to the real feelings I have now? Maybe because not even a tiny bit of regret is running inside of me. It feels like I never did wrong in the first place, like I am destined to meet her.

As I continued walking towards her, slowly but surely, I now got a chance to take a good look on her majestic appearance.

I thought her color was silver white but if you take a closer look, you'll noticed that her color is more like a blue in the right angle. Her appearance is mystically beautiful especially those pair of beautiful red eyes that shines in this starless night.

I stop one step in front of her before I reach her head to touch her silky fur before she lowered her guard and sniff my scent and let me hug her like I am her most treasured family.

The first time I noticed her hate and longing in her eyes, I felt sad and guilty at the same especially I knew that she's being wary against me. I don't know why I felt like there are millions of ants biting my heart because of that, I don't know why I felt like I wanted to cry the first I saw her. I don't know why I felt this way to her knowing even it is my first time to meet her.

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