Arc 2: Entrance Exam part 2 (Dianne)

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I was talking to Jasmine about the latest trend in fashion and the newest open café here in Azure City, the biggest city of Arcadia where Ygdrassil Magic Academy located, when I notice the commotion at the back and at the front.

I and Dianne were supposed-slash-forced to listen to Tanya and Michelle about the contents of the entrance exam but I actually don't care. With my family's power and status, it is for me to enter this school but the most kindhearted innocent yet naïve to stupidity Coleen plead us that we should do the 'right' thing and since looking at her pathetic face, my strong will were smash down by her adorable kitten look and I give up using the back door and try the examination. But since I don't have an interest in study which my mindset develop from a very young age that girls should not focus on study since we 'girls' will end up in marriage instead of focusing on study, we should focus on how to manage the household like a true lady. So, with this kind of mindset, I did not listen to whatever they were talking instead I talk to Jasmine about the trend and café.

The commotion at the front were like always, a group of stupid girls with nothing to do but be infatuated and squeal to the princely like boys which I and my friends hated, the group of ex's of Celine and Coleen while the commotion at the back makes me dumbfounded.

I stupidly look at Celine who I did not saw for the last two years.

She's wearing an royal equestrian outfit while riding a black stallion while looking like a prince... err—I mean, knightly princess.

She's like a real prince... I mean, a real knight princess that makes my heart throb. Seriously, Celine looks cool in her outfit matching her long, silky ash-blonde hair tied up in a simple ponytail while showing her cold and indifferent expression.

Truth be told, Celine is way better than the so-called ikemen ex's of them if she's only a guy.

"Kyaaaahhh~ Celine is so cool, way cooler than the guys I've met. If only she's a man, I'm going to marry her" Jasmine commented while blushing furiously when she noticed my gaze.

The girls also saw her (Celine) and all of us are blushing while looking at her (Celine). Even the boyish of the group, Michelle, look stupid as she eyed Celine from head to toe while her lollipop fell down when she wide open her mouth in shock.

"I never thought that Celine is so handsome and cooler than Levi. Why did I notice it before? Never mind, I'm just going to ask her to pose some of Levi's famous stance" she murmur. I did not know what she meant by that, never mind. I know that Michelle is weird from the start I know her.

Celine found us and slowly approach us. She... she looks different. Something is different from her but I can't think what it is and I don't want to wrack my brain to think about it.

"Celine" Tanya greeted in her own cold way of greeting and Celine only slightly nodded at her as a return while gracefully landed off the horse. That so... cool.

Coleen approaches her while her face becomes redder and redder. "H-How are you Celine-chan" she asked in a soft voice. Before she can add something, Michelle cut her (Coleen) by putting her (Michelle) arms around Celine's shoulder like a ruffian and said in a boyish tone, "Yo, girl. Long time no see" she grinned, "I never thought that not seeing you for two years and you... change. But these changes, I like it".

Celine removes her (Michelle) arms around her (Celine) and said in indifferent tone, "same to you. Not seeing you for two years and you act like a thug. You really shame the word 'Lady' that runs in your blood"

She shrugged. "Who cares for that so-called nobility if I am happy to what I am. I don't want to tie myself in the so-called rules of society since I am free bird, who enjoys the life of freedom"

And then we started another round of conversation, talking about how our life after our small adventures and so on as the elders of Magic Council as well as teachers and staff of YMA make their way on the stage to open up the ceremony and welcome all the students who are going to take the examination.

I did not listen to whatever the teachers are saying in front but looking at the melancholic look of Celine. I know she's sad after what happened to her brother and that she only tried to act tough by making her expression indifferent yet her eyes betrayed her real feelings.

I hope that Celine can move on at the death of her older brother.

The Bright Future Awaits! The Villainess Lady's Route of HappinessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ