LXIX. My First Day of Class (3)

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After I sort out my feelings, we were introduced to the next class which is PE class then after is Combat class.

Dianne was baffled about my burst out but as a friend who knows me, she did not ask the reason why and just give me comfort that I need.

When we went to PE class, one of my classmate asked our instructor what was the difference between the PE and Combat class.

"PE class introduced and focus on strengthening our stamina since mana requires stamina while Combat class focus on combat itself. You'll know it better once you arrive"

"Sensei, sensei! Are you going to be our instructor again?" As one of my classmates asked, the girls in the class giggles in delight knowing how handsome Mason-sensei is and excited to know his amswer is.

Mason-sensei gives a soft smile which earned another squeal from the girls, "unfortunately, I am not".

"Oh!" The girls all sighed in depressed since they were all wanted Mason-sensei to be our teacher for thw next class then the next then the next.

After we were dismissed, my gaze unconsciously fell to the boy with black hair and a crimson eyes. I saw him with a girl whose hair is like a blazing fire dancing like a sun, smiling and talking at him even he is not showing any expression or even talking at her. Unknowingly, my breath stop and my heart aches in pain. As he felt my gaze, he turns around and our eyes once again locked in each other before Dianne pulls me to go to the cafeteria where our friends waiting for us.

When we arrived and saw my friends and roomies waiting for us, we began to dine with our lunch then start a small conversation before we went to our next class.

The two class which is Magus and fighter class (which I was belong) were combined in the same class in PE. So, you'll have a chance to get to know with other first year students and saw how many students are in this same year.

Our PE instructor is a female warrior named Elaiza Park and she has two assistance to help her with the class, a knight named Jack Walls and a warrior Miggy Jules. Park-sensei is already in her mid-40s and with her looks, you'll know how strict and scary teacher she is while Walls-sensei is a fresh graduate of YMA and tooking up education as his major and Jules-sensei is an intern of same major in his early 20s.

The educational system of this world is quite different in Earth. Unlike in earth that the education were composed of elementary, middle school, high school, college and so on, in this world the basic level or general knowledge (age six to 12 y/o) students were given a choice to enter a school or home schooling then advance level (age 12-18 y/o) which they need to enter YMA. After they graduated advance level, they have a choice to do a major studies like a college for further studies or not. But mostly, those who studies in college or major studies on what they called here, are mostly composed of ordinary students, a person without mana or low in mana.

After Park-sensei introduction, she taught us the basic stretching that is needed and what she will teach us in the whole year.

After we were dismissed, we were given a half an hour of vacant before the next class which is Combat Class.

Dianne and Jasmine plans to have a short tea party while they were preparing, I excused myself to go to ladies' room to do my thing when I bumped to this annoying person. As a lady, I apologize for bumping him when he was reall the one who bumped me and prepare to leave him... the far away I am from him the better but as annoying as him, he pulls my arm and made a kabedon, pinning me on a wall. Luckily, the location where we are is far from the normal place students walk by.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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