Arc 2: Entrance Exam part 1 (Michelle)

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I open another wrap of lollipop and brought it to my mouth as I squeeze the smooth, flawless cheek of Coleen.

"Kyaaahhh!" She looks at me with her teary innocent, big blue eyes, "S-stop pinching my... c-cheeks, Michelle-chan! It's painful!"

"But I am bored! I have nothing to do!"

Once she escapes from my grasp, she huff as she pout at me. "And what it got to do with me?"

Since the day she experienced her first heartbreak, Coleen's courage is big enough to oppose me. She now knows how to pout and glared at me. But what she didn't realize that her being like this is not helpful but only makes her cuter. Waaahhh my Coleen who's giving me a glare is really cute, like a kitten. She transformed from a white rabbit into a cute cat. Soooooo cute!

"Since I've got nothing to do, and you present yourself right in front of me which I don't have any resistance at all to your adorable appearance. I don't want to be stingy at you so, I just take the liberty to accept yourself as my pastime" I shrugged.

"Wha... what?"

"If I don't know you Michelle, I'll think you're a guy—"

"—an old man pervert is the right word, Dianne"

"You're right Jas, thanks for correcting me. So what I am saying is that if I don't know that you're a girl, I'll really think that you are an "old man pervert" like what Jas describe you"

I rolled my eyes to them and my mind is shouting like if I've givin' a choice, I'll choose to be a guy so I can marry my adorable kitten Coleen. But I guess I can't say it since I don't want my adorable kitten to be afraid of me. Huhuhu it really is hard to resist the temptation.

"Let's go back to the topic, shall we?"


So, here's what we really are discussing.

Today is the last day of entrance examination for the first years and Coleen together with Dianne, Jasmine and Celine is going to take the examination yet until now, we did not see even the shadow of Celine. Tanya and I are already in our second this school year and since we are a year older than them, this makes them our cute, little kohai and as a senpai, we are going to cheer them up for their exam as a support. If only we can tell them the contents of the examination, I already did so to make sure that they pass the exam but—I internally scratch my head—I can't even remember the contents of the examination last year and if I really did remember it out of God's grace, I really can't tell them the right answer since—internally trying to recall the examination score—internally heard a sound of falling rocks and a great tsunami—internally panicky—I guess, I really can't help them—internally laugh out of embarrassment.

"By the way, where is Celine? Did any of you get any message from her?" Tanya asked with her usual cold and terrifying voice.

"Well, before we went here, their family butler told us that Celine is already a week ahead of us. It means she's already here" Dianne answered.

"If it really is the case, where is she?"

I shrugged. "Dunno. But you don't need to worry of her since you knew how powerful she is from our adventure last two years"

Yes, two years.

The last time that we saw Celine is exactly two years ago. And the last time I got a message from her is when she learned about her brother's death. Poor Celine, her older brother died while her younger brother is always around those people.

My eyesight fell to the group of young people, same age as us, Celine's younger brother Kyle, Celine's ex-fiance Prince William, Celine's ex-friend Henry, and Coleen's ex-first love Victor.

Ever since that group of stupid boys meet that white lotus, they always are together, I guess the idioms birds of the same feather flocks together really fits them.

"I have no idea how the idiot elf prince known them but they really match together, they should stay together so that the stench they release will not spread" Jasmine said what was running inside my head so I nodded at her in 100% agreement.

I look at them with disgust before I saw in my peripheral eyesight, the valiant appearance of our long lost friend, Celine.


I miss you minna-san!! I'm sorry that for the last two and a half months, I didn't make an update and for this very short chapter (don't worry, very soon, I'll make it up to you minna-san). 

So here I am, trying to create another chapter of Celine's life and hopefully you will still support her adventure throughout her school life.

I just want to clarify that I will continue this story 'til the end in this book and in this account.

See yah~

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