LXVIII. My First Day of Class (2)

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I'm lazy to do some editing so please try to understand whenever I did some typo error or any problem with my grammar. Thank you and enjoy reading~


While Mason-sensei was talking about his brief lesson, I look around the class. Truth be told, when I entered my room felt nostalgic for me since it's been years since I went to school and this actually makes ky heart throb with excitement and nervousness at the same time. And with the feeling going around me, I forgot to introduce myself to my classmates nor to look amy familiar faces inside.

As I like anime and I felt that every MC should stay near the window, I chose settling in this part as well. Ha ha ha please ignore my silliness in choosing this area.

When I look around, I just noticed that were quite few students inside and can only be counted by two hands. There are both familiar and unfamiliar faces that I saw. Thinking back at the game setting, the in-game Celine actually belongs to Diamond types of students while I am an Ace students which is also being this year first year representative so I don't know much who actually should be an Ace students as well and plus a fact that I just realize how complex this academy system having two types of students; fighter and magician. I choose fighter since I actually got an amazing tutor in magic,I don't think I need something to learn more about magic so I guess I'll focus on physical force instead.

In the game, there is rare event that are related to class or inside the class so the complexity of this system was not mentioned but thinking about the reality I was facing, I'm actually glad to find out that I was not together with the majority of the game's main characters. So, the familiar face I saw was my friend Dianne who actually wanted to become an assassin (assassin for a noble lady? Who can even think that she'll actually choose it when she actually loves fashion) and Henry being here which is no surprise since it was also mentioned in the game, I'll just avoid him to not trigger any death flag over my head. 

Hmmm... I think only two of them were familiar to me, I don't know the other six.

As I debating whether I introduce myself to them after class or not, Mason-sensei called us one by one to introduce ourselves in front. Hearing him about the need to introduce in front makes my body nervous and beads of cold sweat was pouring on my forehead and back.

The first one who was called was Dianne. She actually walks confidently and elegangance can be felt from her aura. How did you do that Di? Teach me! She gave a small curtsy and said in sweet voice, "Good morning classmates, Mason-sensei. I'm Lady Dianne de Moore, daughter of Marquis de Moore of Ishgar Kingdom. I like fashion and any telated to fashion and shopping is my hobby. I chose fighter class because sooner and later, I'll  become the strongest assassin in history!" She said with obvious pride, showing her chest out and straight back despite having a cute face.


Someone laughs behind and Dianne noticed it too so she pouts as she put both her arms on her waist and said, "what is so funny with my words that you need to laugh at this lady?"

That boy with slightly spikey pink hair wearing OSY uniform (I just notice his uniform since he's face a burrowed on the table) and a scarf around his neck.

"I'm laughing since you are funny! Hahaha"


"That's enough!" Mason-sensei stop them before the two starts to fight then he looks at the boy. Now that I had a better view to study his face, his appearance shows that he is not actually in same age with us and more like he is around 15 or 16 years old, what an odd but the thing that makes me look at him closely because he oddly looks familiar to me, where did I saw him? Hmmm.... "And you Mr. Dart can you stop teasing Ms. De Moore and focus on studying so you can no long stuck in my class now. Teaching a students like you gives me headache"

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