26. Guerilla War

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We went to the spa and it was empty but after an hour of resting where we're hiding, the armed men came enjoying the shallow pool.

"This is our haven. Too bad the tourists have already gone." The man who looked like a native local guy removed his dusty, loose and old clothes and dipped in the pool with his colleagues. They're laughing and enjoying while Moe and I were thinking how we could escape.

"Moe, please stop using your phone. Put it in its darkest display of brightness and put it in a silent mode." I whispered to him and he nods before keeping it in his pocket. My phone was already shut down before we arrived at the place so I have nothing to worry about.

The men were getting crowded in the pool and we were thinking how many more of them who were out from the spa.

"Did you call Ka Tales?" The largest man of them asked the person beside him. I already know who the person whom he's asking about and I glanced at Moe.

"Yes, but I couldn't find him including his group. I don't know where they went."

"Hah! They could be looking for some ladies around them. Hey, have you heard that Anita's daughter is already eighteen?"

"Yeah and she's already matured enough and ready to get married."

I frowned at what I am hearing. Moe shakes his head and looks at me, waiting for what I can say but I refused to talk and continue to listen.

"Tomorrow morning, we will take every unmarried woman to join us. They will bear our child and to comfort us. You already know what I mean."

Everyone laughed and I felt worse from disgust. The village is small yet harder to rescue. If Sovran and his team will be here as early as they can, it won't be late before they take what they want. My fist tightened and prays that Sovran would have read the message.

"Let's get out of here. There could only be few of them left and it would be easier for you to escape." I pulled Moe's hand but he pulled me back.

"What do you mean? I'll escape alone? Brazen?!" He tightly held my shoulders and scolded me. "I can't just leave you here!"

I nod and we left together. We reached close to the gate but there were men guarding it.

"I'll lead them away and you'll open that gate. Just run and I'll follow you soon." I bowed down and prepared to leave but he refused.

"Help!" A girl screamed which took everyone's attention. We looked up and searched which house it came from. A window from the fifteenth house was open and a young woman wearing a white pajama is crying for help. A couple were outside of the house helplessly crying while holding a little boy in their arms. "Please don't touch me!" She screams and a man appeared closing the window. We wait for a moment while hiding in bush thinking for our next move.

"Is this the house where we heard the girl?" We heard footsteps and voices and it was the guardsmen from the gate. They passed over from where we're hiding and Moe pulled me but I refused.

"This is it Brazen. We can run now. There's only one left at the gate and it's no longer a problem to us." He tried to pull me again but I didn't want to follow.

"Moe, there's a girl calling for help." I tightened my hold on his hands asking for his assistance. He released a sigh and slumped his shoulders.

"There are plenty of them."

"They'll leave soon but I couldn't wait." Moe agreed and went to the opposite side of the house while I am going towards the men.

"Give us money, if you don't, we will touch your daughter." They threatened the couple and the husband kneels on the floor pleading them not to hurt anyone. "What about your wife? Eh?"

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