56. The Drift

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August 27 of 2021 when a young hermit found me and kept me safe in a silent hut. Her name was Mimi and with the help of her father, Joseph, I was kept alive and healed as fast as I could. They shut themselves away from civilization and when I arrived at their lives, they also shut themselves away from going beyond where they live.

Mimi was a young and beautiful villager. She treated me like an older brother specially because she's just sixteen years old.

"Brother, should we call you Xavier with an X or Garret like our favourite epic hero?" They gave me time to remember who I was but it has been a week and I still have no memories of anything.

"Xavier will do, with an X like you said." I nod and smiled at her. She sits beside me and leaned her head on top of my lap. Mimi likes being pet on the head so I pat her head until she falls asleep.

"Is my daughter bothering you again?" The door opens and closed revealing the sixty years old Joseph with his old bag. Mimi was his only happiness and according to him, his wife left them to marry a man who lives in the city. "I saw this few days ago from the car crash. Try to remember what it was and how to use it. Don't expect us to help you because none of us has any of that thing."

"Thank you." I took what he showed me and my head says it was a cellphone. I acted to my insticts and the cellphone turned on. It unlocked when I pressed another button and revealed thousands of messages and missed calls. When I pressed at the gallery, I saw thousands of pictures of a beautiful woman that I couldn't recognize. Some of it reveals her naked body: awake or asleep and I couldn't stop watching.

"Scion, what are you doing?!" Her voice in the video was so sweet while she tries to hide after being caught by the camera. I wonder if this is really mine. I scanned more and saw pictures of the both of us including videos.

"Sweet cake, why are you crying?" The voice of mine can be heard on the video after the camera reveals the beautiful woman sobbing on the bed.

"Your parents, they're trying to kill me and my family." She whimpers while the arm of the cameraman wipes her tears on her pale cheeks.

"Shoosh! Brazen, it was just a dream, okay? They're not my real parents so stop saying that word." The voice of mine echoed while the rough sounds can be heard and finally the image of me and the woman can be seen on the screen. It was no other than me. I comforted the woman and kissed her forehead. "My parents were already dead and I won't stop until this dilemma ends. I will do anything to keep you and your family safe." I stopped scanning the gallery because it only breaks my head in pain.

'Brazen?' I opened the phonebook and saw her name and number then dialed it. After a couple of ring, she answered. It was really her voice and it calms me. The moment stopped when I saw Joseph coming out of the house so I ended the call.

"What did you found out?" He stepped close to me and we watched the swaying with the wind. It was very dark and peaceful that I am afraid to go away of this place.

"Nothing, Uncle." With a shake of my head, I paired it with a very sad deep breath. "I found out that my parents died and I was an only child."

"That's really hard, son." Joseph pats at my back but I shook my head.

"I can no longer remember them so it wasn't that painful at all. Knowing that they're gone, I don't think there's anything left waiting for me." I took him inside the house and locked it.

"That's not true, Xander. What if there's a girl waiting for you, hoping you'll come back home?" He worriedly glanced at me while we bring out the blankets we will use to sleep.

"You can be right but how am I be able to go home if I barely remember anything?" Though I was captivated and excited by her, there's something telling me that I shouldn't go home.

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