The Pied Piper Part 1

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hey guys small a/n from me. I have been considering mulan but in this case, unlike all my other stories will be based on an actual country and cultural whereas the others were based on my own mix of whatever European mix i though of (I know this sounds hypocritical but it is more easier to add my ideas and thoughts). My main worry with this is that I might unintentionally offend some people and I really don't want to be that person so if anyone is willing to give me character names and details on feudal china, that will be really helpful to me. On to the story

Hamelin was dealing with a big problem. Rats had been running amok the village. It had been eating the crops and was always in someone's bedroom. The people tried and tried to get rid of them but it never worked. Everyone was losing hope. It didn't help when your father, village chief was a corrupt man. 

He always had told the villagers the taxes were higher than they really are and had a supply of grain he kept hidden. You didn't like how he acted but couldn't outright oppose him. Instead, you took small amounts of grain and money and distributed it to your village. You wanted to give more but if you had too much, he would begin to suspect. The village knew what you were doing and supported you. 

It was late in the afternoon when you were reading to children. You were reading from a book that was eaten by the rats. The children were not sitting since they were scared a rat was going to crawl on them. You felt bad for the kids but you couldn't help your situation. While you were feeling sorry for your village you saw a figure in the distance. You soon realized it was a man.

The man had entered the village and saw the rats. You ran up to greet him.

"Hello Sir. Can I help you?" the man smiled at you. Green eyes and blonde hair. His skin was rather pale and he looked to be about in his late twenties. His clothes were also very colorful

"I see you are in quite a bind." he says looking at the rats. "How long have they been running about?" You smile wryly.


"I see." he say thoughtfully. "Perhaps I can help?" he says. You were shocked to hear him say that and ask,


"All will be explained. May I talk to you village chief?"

"Of course." you lead him to your father.

"F/n, who is this?" you father asks appraising the man.

"My name is Peter and I am the Pied Piper. I heard from her that you had rats running around for years. I can help, at a price though."

"You can get rid of the rats?"

"Yes. You see, animals have different types of hearing. Rats can hear a certain tune we humans can't and I guess you can say, they get hypnotized by it. I can play that tune with my pipe." he says revealing his pipe. His pipe had so many holes and you were shocked to see such a weird pipe.

"Okay. Your price."

"300 guilders."

"That is expensive."

"I'd say it is a cheap price to pay if you want to live a lifetime not worrying about the rats." Your father thinks for a moment before smiling. You knew this smile. It was the type of smile he had when had a plan.

"But if you are lying. You might just take the money and bring them back."

"There is a lake nearby. I can have the rats drown if I pleased."

"Drown the rats and you have a deal."

"Fair enough." Your father and Peter shake hands on this deal. You didn't trust what your father was intending.

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