The Princess and the Pea Part 1

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In the country of Aranis, there is prince who is of age to get married. Leon Pendry was soon to be crowned and wanted a wife. His problem was traditions. The Pendry family for generations had only married other royalty or nobles of very high status. Leon wanted to find a woman who was kind and smart as he needed a suitable woman to help rule the kingdom.

His mother supported her son in his decisions as she wanted him to find love. She would arrange marriage meetings but he would turn them down as soon as it was over.

"Really Leon." his mother sighs. "This is the sixth woman you rejected this month. You need to be compromising." 

"But mother, if I compromise on the requirements, I am basically setting problems up in the future."

"But time is not on our side right now. You need to get married soon."

"I will. Once I find the right woman." His mother sighs at this. It was a stormy night and she despaired that her son wouldn't find a wife. Just then a servant knocked on the door.

"Excuse me your Majesty. A woman is at the entrance. She said she was a princess of Clerent." Clerent was a kingdom up north. They had a just ruler and a flourishing nation. The queen narrowed her eyes. The king of Clerent had nine daughters and two sons. Eight of the daughters ever debuted in society and the youngest remained hidden from the world. It was only natural though. In Clerent, when a man or woman of high status is of age, only then are they allowed to make an official debut to society. They defended this tradition as a way to protect them and allow the children to find suitable matches for themselves.

"Bring her in. She must be freezing." the queen says. The son looks at his mother.

"You really think she is a princess?" he asks. The queen looks at her son.

"Not really but, Clerent women are just like the woman you desire. There are ways to test whether or not she is a princess. If she is, she can be your bride."

You were brought inside. You and your coachman were given blanket and you wrapped yourself in them. Your coachman offered his but you shook your head.

"You are just as cold." you say as you shiver.

"Thank you my princess." You were the ninth princess of Clerent. All of your siblings had a years difference save for the first five as the first two were your twin brother and sister and the triplets who were all girls. You were turning eighteen in a month and you were coming back from a charity work you help found. Since you weren't officially of age, you weren't officially a part of society. 

Just then the queen showed up. When she saw your state she asks you worriedly.

"What happened?"

"Our carriage crashed. We were traveling for about an hour before we found the castle. Thank you so much for your hospitality."

"The pleasure is mine." A man says. He looked like the queen to an extent. "Not to be rude, but your name Miss."

"Ah yes. My name F/n L/n. ninth princess of Clerent. Eleventh child of King Fabian." you curtsy to the queen and her son.

"My name is Leon Pendry. Pleasure to meet you." The queen smiled at you.

"Well I will have a hot bath for you and your servant. I hope you will enjoy your stay." she says. You smile but you notice how she looks at you. It was as if she had a hidden agenda.

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