Into Oblivion

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Kat frowned sadly at the brunet snuggled in the many layers of blankets. He was pale and shivering, all while sweating up a storm. A sad sight, really.

Brushing away some loose strands of hair, she gently dipped a towel into a warm basin of water and sighed worriedly.

Tsuna had a high fever and was completely unconsious. Occasionally, a few harsh coughs would wrack his body and he would murmured unintelligible words.

Placing the warm towel on the brunet's forehead, Kat watched with sad eyes.

What on earth happened while I was gone?

The raven grabbed onto the brunet's icy cold hand and closed her eyes, allowing just a few tears to fall.

Tsu-kun always has to suffer...


A brunet found himself in a void of some sort.

There was nothing there. There was no ground nor ceiling and the land seemed to stretch on forever. It was truly empty, in a sense.

Where... am I?

Mind slowly gathering scattered thoughts, he caught sight of amber flames from the corner of his eye.

"Greetings, Decimo."

A man with blond hair, otherwise known as Primo, stood tall and proud. Only his solemn expression betrayed his inner conflict.

"Uh, what? Oh, hi...?"

Tsuna had to facepalm at his own greeting.

Honestly... I wonder if the curse destroyed my social skills too...

...Not that I had any before.

But Primo merely chuckled as he drifted closer to his descendant. Placing his hand on the brunet's tufts of soft hair, the blond ruffled the locks gently and smiled, making Tsuna pout.

"No need to be so tense. I don't bite. Also, just call me Giotto, Primo is too stuffy."

Tsuna nodded slowly, face flushing just as his intuition flared. In a heartbeat, he had already entered Hyper Dying Will Mode.

"Pr-Giotto...-san. Do you sense someone there?"

There was no response other than a mysterious smirk. Tsuna looked at him quizzically.

"You can come out now."

A burst of multi-coloured flames suddenly appearing caused the brunet to flinch in alarm. He exhaled softly when he saw that it was only Giotto's own guardians.

Giotto smiled, almost bitterly. Tsuna frowned at that.

"Now then... Let's talk for a bit."


Misty eyes stared at the brunet in front of her.

The tears glimmering in the glow of the light threatened to fall as she studied his pale face.

Tsuna hadn't stirred for two days and it was causing Kat to panic.

The only time he was vaguely awake was when Kat was spoon-feeding him soft foods but even then, Kat doubted that the brunet even knew he was conscious.

The two days had taken a toll on her.

The raven had lost some weight and her eyes had dulled. She was tired, and her robotic actions reflected just how weakened she was feeling.

If anyone from her old famiglia saw her now, they would've laughed their asses off. But Kat couldn't bring herself to care.

To her, Tsuna was the only one that currently mattered.

Cursed Sky - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now