Specials: Fun Times

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So... This chapter was kiiinda requested by DJ_101701

'Can you please write a short ova about Tsuna and Kat? Like there are only happy moments and no drama?'

Er... Not really sure whether I suceeded? It's angst comfort though, haha... :P and so sorry for taking so long to write this-


Rainy Days

Tsuna hummed gently, fingers drumming on his desk as he stared out of the window. He sighed. It was raining.

He sought comfort in the rain. It was a comforting thought - to think that even the sky was allowed to cry sometimes.

...Allowed to be so... vulnerable.

For the next ten minutes or so, there was a stifling silence in that tiny room of his. Tsuna could feel his heart clench, completely aware of how alone he was.

The door creaked open.

Gentle, padded footsteps made its way behind his slightly hunched over figure and the brunet leaned into those warm arms belonging only to-

"Kat." He smiled, feeling the raven's arms trap him in a gentle embrace.

He could feel his flames dance along with hers, almost romantically.

However, the girl merely giggled softly, pulling Tsuna up from his chair.

He blinked. "Kat...?"

"Tsu-kun~" Humming softly, emerald eyes twinkled with mischief. "Dance with me!"


...Did Kat hit her head somewhere? Or did she read too many of those sappy romance novels that Kawahira got her?

A heavy whack to the head caused stars to appear above his head.

"Kat~!" He groaned, rubbing the sore spot on his head. "So mean... You've picked up Reborn's mind-reading skills and sadistic tendencies..."

"Hmph! Tsu-kun's just easy to read!" She pouted, purposely ignoring the sencond question. This made the corner of Tsuna's lips twist upwards ever so slightly.

Kat - 32
Tsuna - 31

'Hah. Let's see who gets the last laugh after this!' She smirked, tugging harshly on the brunet's arm once more and making him stumble.

Leaning forward, Kat allowed Tsuna's arm to wrap around her waist gently.

She lead the dance, a fun little waltz.

It was clumsy, yes. It was only natural- they were both amateurs at dancing. However, it was just as intimate.

They had fun, twirling and stumbling around the room clumsily.

The rain served as their music, and their laughter lit up the cold room with so much warmth.

It was a good day.


Kat whimpered softly, flinching inwardly at the sight of the brunet hunched over the porcelain bowl, groaning almost inaudible

"K-Kat?" His voice was hoarse. Tsuna somehow always knew when she was there or not. "Y-You should go. I-I don't think you'll want to see me like this. I'll clean up after myself, okay?"

She wasn't even aware of herself nodding.

Snapping back to reality only after she had exited the room, the raven slowly collapsed onto the ground.

There was a dreaded sense of guilt settling within her stomach.

She had seen it, hadn't she?

There had been so much blood, so much pain in Tsuna's eyes. So why had she walked away? Why had she not provided some comfort to that boy with eyes ten times llder than his actual age?

And yet, Katsumi knew why.

Deep down, she was scared.

A coward.

She was afraid of seeing crimson blood staining her hands once more. It reminded of a time, when her hands had been dyed a deep red from all the lives she had taken.

And she hated it.

But did it give her the right to leave the brunet whom she had grown to treat as a best friend, or dare she even say it - love... alone?

It didn't.

Emerald orbs began to fill with tears. They spilled over as Kat stared down at her hands, regretfully.

Her hands were meant to heal now, not hurt.

Her past would not stop her from enjoying the present and the future. And it sure as hell didn't define her!

She'd make it up to Tsuna.


"...What...exactly is this?" Tsuna asked, amusement colouring his tone as he eyed the strange abomination on a plate in his hands.

Kat scowled, knowing full well that the boy was teasing her. "It's a cake, Tsu-kun." She spat out with a great amount of effort.

Tsuna tried not to laugh aloud, but his muffled attempts were heard anyways. She shot him a bitter glare.

Tsuna eyed the cake once more- (Was it even edible, he didn't know).

It was definitely on par with Bianchi's Poison Cooking.

Half of the cake was slopping downwards, settling at the bottom in a pile of green mush. The icing was lumpy and the smell was that of socks being put in the oven for five days and five nights.

Honestly, Tsuna wondered how a cake could even turn out like this.

"Why'd you suddenly make a cake, though?" He asked, geniunely curious. It wasn't like Kat to willingly step into a kitchen.

The raven's glare softened at that, before eventually dieing down all together.

"I-..." She began. Tsuna frowned, was that guilt he was hearing?

"I'm..just sorry. I shouldn't have walked away from you yesterday. I should have been there to heal you, to comfort you. As a friend. I'm...sorry."

Tsuna blinked, before a smile slowly spread across his face.

Was this what it was all about?

He doubled over, laughing till his sides hurt.

"K-Kat? That's what it was all about?"

The gob-smacked expression on Kat's face was enough to send the brunet into another fit of laughter.

Caramel orbs shining with a gentleness only few had ever seen, he took a bite out of the cake.

"It's delicious." He choked out, happy tears trailing down his face as he patted the raven's head.

"Thank you, Kat...

"Thank you so much."

Wrote this on a whim :>

Cursed Sky - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang