Can you guys help me?

883 10 13
                             me out here. I'm stressing out and I can't seem to fix it. Parents call me mute girl and you wanna know why? Read Back In Time To Save our King of Pop Blood Run 3 next year. You'll understand, okay? 15k I would appreciate it because the things that are a bad now. Brings back bad memories that won't go away and I can't let it go. They keep reversing. Please comment me to make me feel better since I feel like I'm alone, depressed, heartbroken, picked on my weight and the food I eat. You guys understand this right? Please....I keep having dreams that my friends will come back and we'll be reunited again. 

But I'm afraid it's too late for what they might say when we see each other again. 🤐🤐🤐😔😔😔😢😢😢😢😢😳😳😳😳😳

Listen to the song up top too: Invincible

You guys mean a lot to me and make me smile everyday when your my friends. I love you guys and I appreciate.

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