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Requested By: Nevexile

I hope you guys will like this to imagine that I wrote from the person who requested this. Enjoy :D

You were sitting on the sofa watching 'The Golden Girls' when you heard a knock on the door. You went to go answer it to see 2 guys at the doorway with small smiles on their faces.

"Uh, may I help you?" You asked the two gentlemen.

"Is B/N (Brother name) here?" One asked.

"Yeah, he's here. Do you want me to get him for you?" You asked.

"Yes," Both males said.

"Okay. Make yourselves at home." 

You let the two men inside to make themselves comfortable into your home when you went to go get your brother since he's with Jesse in the kitchen.

"Yah and Eddie said-" 

"B/N? Two men came over to see you." He said.

"Oh, they must be old friends of mine when I went to college. Be right there." 

You and your brother left out of the kitchen while Jesse took a sip of his coca-cola. Both of the men you let inside greeted your brother who was glad to see him again after traveling around together. You learned that they were in the same dorms and their names were George and Lennie (Mice and Men if you haven't read or seen the movie) they would always stick together no matter what.  The four of you talked together when you noticed Lennie glancing over your figure a couple of times which made you uncomfortable only Jesse can do that.

Jesse walked in soon after seeing Lennie talking to you with a flirt expression on his face. You tried to hold back your blush, but the words that he would say made you feel flirty except guilty-you don't want to cheat on Jesse. This made Jesse mad and you didn't notice that he was behind you scowling as he walked over wrapping his arms around your frame whispering words like, 'You look very flustered over him, babe? Is he turning you on like I do when we're alone?' you blushed as he whispered more dirty words in your ear making you turn red as he pulled away and glared at Lennie.

"She's mine and you better not put your filthy rat hands on her body. My baby girl." Jesse said.

"Okay," Lennie nodded in understandment. 

You looked at Jesse who smirked at you and winked making you blush even more. How did this man make you feel so glamorous? 

I hope you like this imagine. I apologize for not updating it sooner, but I did make a music video for Jesse! Thx and bye!

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