Day 4: I love you Monika

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A only one day has passed since Monika came alive and started talking to me, no sight of the other girls though. I stood up from my bed and picked up my laptop, then I went downstairs to the kitchen. Tomorrow, school started, I AM OH SO VERY that Monika can talk to me, who's gonna take care of her while I'm gone?

I shook my head and opened my laptop, as usual Doki Doki was already opened and Monika was there waiting for me.

"Goodmorning (Y/N)!!" Said a happy Monika

"Goodmorning Monika! How did you sleep?" I asked

"Well, it always feels horrible when you close your laptop, I'm all alone in here, but mabey that good, because then when I see you every morning I feel a whole lot of joy!" She smiled

I know she hates it when I close my laptop, but I have to close it if I don't want it to break down, if that happens then....I may never see Monika again.....

I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice I started making breakfast for me. I started eating as Monika just stared at me eating, she seemed a bit sad.

"Monika? Are you ok?" I asked with a worried face.

"Huh? Oh, um...y-yes, i'm fine" she sighed.

I don't really believe her, how can she say she's ok when she's literally sad.

"What do you need?" I asked

"Well....I just wish I could actually be with you, I wish I could eat with you, and laugh next to you...I wish I weren't 2D...."

I was shocked, never had I seen such a sad Monika, and sure, I couldn't hear her voice but I could feel her sadness, it pained me.

"I don't think there's a way to get you out of there...." I sighed

"YES THERE IS, I was searching a bit, and I found a interesting ritual, it dosen't even need a sacrifice!" Her expresion changed into a happy one. Even tho I wasn't a fan of rituals, I was willing to do it for Monika.

I love Monika.

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