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Tyler didn't reply, he didn't really speak at all for the rest of the night. He sat back on the grass and watched the football players get ready. He watched the cheerleaders warmup and his parents smile from the bleachers. He didn't even notice Josh come back and sit with the group, Josh wasn't talking to him because he knew what just happen was awkward.
But he didn't know how bad it all really was. But is that Tyler's fault?? For not telling him.

The game started and everyone played swiftly, it was a close score when haft time finally hit. Tyler then emotionlessly hoped up and got in line, beside Josh. He gently held his trumpet and stared forward.

"Tyler." Josh called softly, looking over at him.

Tyler slowly turned his tired eyes over to him.
Josh flinched a bit at the site of Tyler's somber face, he had never seen him like this and it worried him tremendously.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Josh muttered, his face was red and he was obviously flustered.

Tyler sighed as he rubbed his left eye, moving around a bit.

"Josh isn't it obvious?? Because I thought it was obvious." Tyler grumbled.

Josh's face lit up with surprise, he tilted his head a bit before slowly shaking it.

"What, what do you mean??"

Tyler stared at him with his glum and drained face, as he slouched a little.

"I-I liked you." He started.
"I really liked you." Tyler told him, saying it all a bit louder. To a point in which the kids around them could hear.

Josh's jaw was dropped and his face was burning, he couldn't believe it. The words coming from Tyler's mouths were so bold. And Tyler is the literally opposite of bold.

"But that isn't important anymore."
Tyler looked down at his feet before finishing, the music instructors rushed to the front of the groups, giving his starting signal and the band geeks began playing. Josh watched in astonishment as Tyler easily played his trumpet as if nothing had happened. Josh followed quickly after him, trying to focus on the marching and music as a whole.
Tyler marched there as if he was alive and well, yet he knew he drowned on that bus.

Some things don't end with grace and balance, some things end abruptly. And without an explanation, Tyler knew that. Yet the pain of heartbreak still seemed to hurt him. He played yet he wasn't really playing. His fingers moved and his trumpet made such beautiful music. Yet Tyler didn't feel like he was doing it.

The band teacher was smiling from ear to ear as he watched the performance from nearby. The Joseph's cheered from the bleachers and the night seemed ever so still. As the band finished up their finals steps, Tyler realized he was trembling. Shaking uncontrollably and his breath became uneven. Josh kept glancing over at him the whole performance, and noticed the sudden change in Tyler.

The flute players and drummers did their final notes and the performance was over, the crowd cheer blissfully as the band scurried off and back to the sidelines. Tyler dropped his trumpet as if it was burning him. He looked so frantic and overwhelmed, brushing his fingers through his hair gently. He noticed he was Oh shaking and became choked up, he nearly screamed when he felt someone put their hands on his shoulder.
It was the band teacher giving Tyler such nurturing look.
"It's okay Joseph, it's over and you did great." He claimed.

Tyler nodded, he took a deep breathe. Resulting in a approving smile from the band teacher. He walked off to instruct the drummers.

Josh wasn't a bad person and he doesn't deserve to feel like one, yet watching Tyler hurt was more then he could bare. He looked at him from afar and felt so disgusted in himself. The game was about to start up again, and Josh knew what he needed to do.

            Tyler almost threw up as he watched Josh walk over to him. It finally hit and Tyler could barely believe it himself. He just told Josh Dun he has feelings for him, Tyler didn't even remember saying it. But he definitely remembered the look on Josh's face the moment those words left his mouth.

              "Tyler." Josh whispered, they both looked miserable.

           Josh stood there looking down at Tyler, trying to find the right words. He quickly glanced around them, looking at the bleachers and other bandmates. Most were busy watching the game, it was a close score and the game was nearly over.

 Intense<.  Joshler> Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora