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His neck was arched but the hand that pushed him down would not budge. The bubbles surfaced, he did not.

The bucket that held the water was an opaque blue. The floor looked like cracked cement. The same floor she had slept on for so many years.

Is that where he's keeping you Marcus? Are you sedated and propped against a wall while I receive treatment, just as I am when it's your turn? I will get out of here. I will save you Marcus. I promise.

The vision began to spiral. There was a splashing sound and her eyes opened. The doctor pulled an opaque blue bucket on wheeled cart into the room.

"Good morning," He greatest her in a melodic voice, "I thought we would try something new today."

Her heart pumped faster. He was so joyful about the torment that it made her want to vomit. She balled her hands into fists.

"We will just get you up on the table to examine you. You've been swallowing your medication, right? I know you were having trouble with that for a few months last year." He smiled and winked at her.

The bile in her stomachs bubbled up her esophagus. She tightened her fists and straightened her seated position. She lurched forward to stand.

He leaned down to give her a hand. His arm extended in front of her face.

She paused and groaned. The cries of pain from her body were distracting. They had been the reason she had failed in her previous attempts to escape. Freedom loomed so close but it eluded her despite her many efforts.

"Come on now, we don't have all day." He motioned for her to hurry with his hand. "I have to get back to Marcus. The poor guy passed out—."

Her heart pounded out of control in her chest. She lowered her mouth to his wrist. She chomped down on the veins and shook her head.

The doctor screamed. His fist connected with her head.

She didn't loosen her grip. She held her victim in her teeth until she felt the muscle tear from the bone. She spit out his arm and searched him for his keys. She unlocked the door. She took a deep breath. Her muscle squealed for help. She had to escape.

Was this really freedom? Or just another cat and mouse game?

The Franklin Series: Forgotten| On holdWhere stories live. Discover now