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From outside Johanna could see the building was an ordinary manor. She glanced it in her clumsy attempt to run for the woods. She was unable to determine which direction she chose but she would have to find a place to hide. She needed to eat and sleep.

She tripped on a root and fell to the forest floor. Her eyelids became heavy and her body relaxed. Her eyes closed for a moment.

A dream pulled her in. It called her name. She was tired but this was different. It was more like becoming someone else. She knew she wasn't sleeping but her body couldn't argue the impulse to let go of her mind.

She saw red spirals. She heard splashes. Marcus's head was pulled back from the tub. A fist connected with his jaw. His face was returned to the bloodied water. The vision wobbled and went blank. Marcus passed out.

She used a tree to steady herself when she stood. There was not time to eat or sleep. Marcus was being punished for her escape. She had to get back to Fairview, without knowing where she was. She could sleep when he was safe.

The walk was difficult. She hadn't been active in such a long time, she surprised herself with her own ability. Adrenaline pushed her forward, it made her believe that she could do anything.

She found a highway that ran along the forest and followed it from a few feet away. It wasn't a busy road but she didn't want to be caught and dragged back. She was so close to getting away.

The woods petered-off. At the edge was a storm drain, it was dry enough. She crawled on all fours into the tube. It was too risky to travel in broad daylight. She would sleep in there until night. It would be a shame to die from over exhaustion. If a little shut eye would help she was willing to give it try.

Her hair blew in the breeze and tickled her nose. She was standing in an open field of long grass. The smell of lilacs swirled through the grass making the blade dance, like miniature ballerina's. The sun moved higher in the sky. She was stunned by the magnificent view. She wanted to run and jump but she anticipated the worst. She felt the breeze trail over skin, flicking her arm hair and lifting her hair over her head. She closed her eyes to feel the hot rays of sun on her face.

The light behind her eyelids disappeared. Her eyes stayed closed. She heard a familiar snapping sound. She felt clamps stabbing into her hands. A charge of electricity courses through her body. She convulsed for a second.

Her eyes opened to the dark drain. It was night. She crawled out and started walking in the opposite direction of where she had been. The sky was morphing from black to blue. Purples and pinks soon appeared on the horizon. She was refreshed and ready to put an end to the doctors insanity.

In the distance a gas station had three lights on and a that sign flashed OPEN.
Three pickup trucks and an SUV were parked in front. She looked through a window to make sure she didn't recognize any of the customers. She was hunched over when she stepped through the door. She panted from the sprint she had found the strength to pull off when her feet hit the parking lot.

The clerk threw the items in his hands and ran to Johanna, "Are you alright? What happened to you? Call an ambulance, now!"

She shook her head.

He put his hand up to a woman who picked up the landline to call. She put the phone back and leaned against the counter.

"No," he gave voice to her gesture.

Johanna coughed to cleared her throat, "Fairview."

The Franklin Series: Forgotten| On holdWhere stories live. Discover now