Birthday PJ'S

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"Put me down"


"OK, put me down NOW!"

"not now"

"so when you gonna put me down"

"maybe later not a big deal"

"yes, big fucking deal. put me down now!"

 I'm starting to get a head rush. "please put me down NOW!" I tell him. he lets out a loud annoying sigh. "alright, after this" it catches me off guard when he starts to spin me around in a circle I start to scream out of shock,

while he laughs and holds my fat thighs tighter then spins faster and faster."OMG. STOP. I CAN'T TAKE THIS!" I hiss at him. "haha come on you thought this was fun when we were little.

what changed?" he says then plops me right down on to my bed "ugh" I land with a big thud "no you thought it would be funny if we played universe teacups. you know I was and still am afraid of heights. but you keep suggesting that I shall con core my fear"

 I walk away to my dest and lean to the side to grab my laptop from my nightstand  "beside it doesn't matter anymore your leaving in a little bit." I say without looking up at him the room fills with nothing but silents except our breathing that's dancing with the wind from my open windows. when Mikes muscular deep voice booms through the room saying "leaving? what do you mean by me leaving? I'm not going anywhere."

he says I glance his way then back to the bright thing on my lap "well by the looks of it when we were in the car you had hate and mad devil eyes. you haven't said a single word to me so I know this friendship is over and besides that big fight you both had in the locker room it

seems I was probably the cause of it and I know your reputation is more important than a big fatso like me, so you had to choose one or the other correct me if I'm wrong" I say to him, I put my laptop to the side of my bed and get off my purple cream colored bed I walk towards my walking closet and find my birthday pj's. it's still quite still so I peak my head out to see to see Mike with his strong muscular arms across his chest and his mouth opening and closing then and there like a fish. 

"have I said anything that's not true. it's obvious that's what it could be I mean your always comforting me and it seems like you were forced to defend me so I am quite right." 

"that is not true, you know I care for you very very much don't you?" I roll my eyes and go deep in the closet until I find what I'm looking for. "HA! don't make me laugh we both know you are ready to leave this friendship, that little stunt you pulled a couple weeks ago tells all" after I said that I turn around to see him standing close to my shoe rack, his tan looking skin turns and royal red, his hands turns into fist while his knuckles turn white.

"No, that is not all true. take it back take it all back NOW!" 

"HA! you know whatever comes out this whole" I point to my mouth "is honest to wolf blood goddess that it's true." I press my glasses that slide off my nose back in place. As of now, his chest heaves rapidly up and down while blood from his tightly clenched hand starts to drip down on to my wooden floors. He punches the red merlot red closet walls leaving a dent in its place, he gives me one last frightening look before he storms out. 

I'm not really fazed by his supervolcano eruption of maddens anymore, I remember the first time it has gotten like this and it was really how should I put menacing

flashback  Mike 8, Jess 7 yrs old

"HEY! GIVE IT BACK YOU MORONS!" I yell. Here I was at a water park with my parent's and Mike. Mike's parents were in Roman Italy for their work so he was stuck at home, so my parents felt bad and decided to take us to Boomerang Bay. So I'm at the bottom of the water slide waiting for Mom to come down along Mike, these 3 boys about 9 or 10 yrs old come up to me and rip off my favorite bracelet that my Aunt gave me before she into the clouds above. 

"HA HA HA. a loser like you don't serve anything" one says, my vision starts to get blurry

"your a poor, stupid, ugly girl that shouldn't be alive" another one follows up on the first kid why don't you do this world a favor and just drown right here and no one will care about you, Ok"I'm in a pool of tears at this point and then so the last one steps closer to me and pushes me in the water. The water is like waist level to where I stand so when this kid pushed me I lost balance and fell to my butt, I tried to swim to get away and  go up for air but I see the kid forcing me down into the water, I can hold my breath for a certain amount of  but I can't hold  it any longer I start to panic and kick, shake now his hands are wrapped around my neck and it getting hard to breathe.

 Then all of a sudden the hands are off from around my neck and I float to the surface and take a big deep breath. I see my mother swim/walk to me she picks me up and holds me close to her shoulder while crying and getting us out the water I look over to see Mike punching the 3 boys repeatedly till their mothers comes and pulls them away from.

"IS THIS HOW YOU TEACH YOUR CHILDREN?!  TO BULLIE AND KILL OTHER  LITTLE KIDS ALL OF US KIDS ARE LEGAL ENOUGH TO GO TO JAIL!" Mike yells at them. He has a milky tan color that at this moment is turning red, he grits his teeth as he yells at the mother as the 3 boys cry behind their mommy's. My mom sets me down on a beach chair and goes to where Mike is. She says something that gives the women's a shocking scare and grabs Mike. When they get to where I am.

"Jessica!" I reach my hands out to him and we hug. his grip on me tight but not running out of oxygen tight. "are you ok, what did they say? why were they bothering you? what they did they will pay" he says still holding on to me. we went back home since everyone was traumatized by what happened. I lay on Mike had he whispers "nobody will ever hurt you when I'm with u and that's forever.

End Of flashback

I sigh and walk out, I set my clothing on my bed along with other feminine things I need. I sit at my desk and do some of my homework just until Mick comes out of my bathroom.

I scoffed. "whatcha you doing Mick," I say 

 He just stands in the doorway just posing like an idiot. Water dripping from his hair to his skin then to floor I roll my eyes and then get up and my clothes and stuff and head to the bathroom. As I walk past him the feeling of a pair of hands wraps around my waist then my back against a chest. The smell of dark forest hits me and then a breath of mint goes next to my ear. "do you really think I'm much of an ass just like that, the reason why I punched that man whore was that all of them were shamelessly talking shit about you, I won't and can't let that happen to someone that is kinda like a family of my own." 

the lump in my throat just got harder to go down, the way his voice darkened into a deep husky manly tone is what surprised me the most. We have grown but didn't think we would change not a lot but just a little to where we still annoyed one another but still be there for one another. 

"I-I have to shower now"I turn around and to see his when I looked up his eyes weren't the same blue-grey color nope the grey took over and has darkened as he looked down at me.

I pushed as hard as I can which made him stumble back onto my bed when he recovers he gets up and run to where I am. I quickly step into the bathroom and slam the door in his, I lock the door and grab the chair that was in here and put that un the nob. the loud banging scares me for sometimes.

as his banging settles down I turn on the shower and do my routine. When I see the steam start to get thick I get out I dry off I apply lotion, then attend to the big wet tangled mess I call my hair I put things in my hair to keep it alive and the braid it down. Once I'm done with everything I remove the chair and slightly open the door just a crack, I look to see him in my closet also looking for something so I jet to the door open and tiptoe to my bed.

I put the blanket over my head and I feel Oreo snuggle next to me, my eyes gets heavy and then I let sleep take over me.

Happy birthday to me I guess.

My Best Friend is a JockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora