Chapter 7

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My mate touched my shoulders causing me to jump away

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My mate touched my shoulders causing me to jump away. He looked hurt, but I was too afraid of everyone now.

I knew this was not a human thing, humans did not have magic or could turn into terrifying beast when they pleased.

Kyle or whatever that was let out a terrifying growl. My mate instantly was in front of me.

"KYLE! As Alpha I demand you shift back!"

He said in a terrifying voice. I shook in my seat too afraid to move. I am sure they could all sense my fear.

Kyle growled but did not make a move to shift. My mate growled and stepped forward and suddenly, I could feel the atmosphere change.

The room felt tight and heavy with a dominating sense. The doctor and assistant both let out whimpers and did this weird thing showing my mate their necks. Kyle let out a whimper and sat on the floor. Soon after I could see his hair start to retract and hear the cracks of his bones.

The aura did not scare me like it seemed to for the doctor and assistant. It made me want to lay on my back and let my mate ravish me, take full control.

Kyle shifted back and I gasped at his full nudity. I could feel my face turn red. My mate turned around and looked at me, glaring when he saw my flushed face. He blocked my view.

The doctor left the room and soon came back with more cloth for Kyle. I could not see the way this piece of cloth went on but when my mate stepped away his bottom half was covered.

The doctor cleared his throat and walked towards me smiling.

"Okay, now let's get a look at you, eh?"

The doctor came up to me and started feeling around my neck and throat. Doctors in the ocean did this so I felt safe knowing this guy was not some quack. He then had me open my mouth and shined a light to look inside and did the same with my eyes.

He checked my ears and used this weird thing to listen to my chest and heart.

He wrote some stuff down before going to look at my legs.

"Other than your leg and forehead, does anywhere else hurt?"

He asked me, checking out the gashes. I shook my head no. After checking them out he asked me a bunch of questions, telling me he was checking if I had something called a concussion. I had never heard of the term, so I did not know what it was.

"Okay, let Gloria just clean and stitch your wounds and you'll be good to go. You seem healthy enough to go back home today if you want, just follow up with a doctor for the stitches."

I nodded but was confused on what was happening. I knew I did not need stitches as my wounds would heal as soon. I just needed to clean them out or shift back. Merfolk had advanced healing abilities. If I were in my tribe, I would have seen the healers. They make treatments for sicknesses and wounds; they also have healing powers to quicken up the healing processes.

Sadly, I have no healers near me so my own healing process would have to do. This wound was not too bad so it would heal in a few hours, once cleaned.

The lady came towards me with stuff in her hands and a smile. She picked up a little pink tub and something in a bottle and walked towards me leg. She opened the bottle and went to pour it on me, but I jumped back.

She jumped in fright as well.

"What is that?!"

I asked pulling my legs to me. She let out a breath and gave a nervous chuckle.

"It's just water honey, I need to get the dirt out."

I shook my head. If my legs got wet, I would shift back, well not fully but scales would grow where the water touched.

"Honey, it won't hurt. This is just the cleaning part. We can numb you up for the stitches if you would like?"

She said. I shook my head no.

"No, no help."

I said not quiet knowing how to say I do not want treatment in English.

My mate walked in front of me and knelt. I had forgotten he was here.

"Let her help you, I'll be here the whole time. That wound is going to get an infection if we don't clean it."

He said rubbing my cheeks. I nuzzled into his hand, almost saying yes to her help but stopped myself.

I hesitantly shook my head no. He frowned.

"What is wrong? Why don't you want help?"

He said frowning, worry covering his face. I opened my mouth but did not know what to say,

I needed to get back to the ocean.

I sighed and lifted my hand to touch his cheek.

"Home, need to go home..."

I said sadly. He furred his brows.

"Home? You want to go home?"

He said sadly, looking close to the water coming out of his eyes. I nodded yes.

"Take me home..."

I said brushes my thumb along his cheek. I wanted to tell him that now that I found him he was my home, he was where I felt safe and loved, that all I needed was him but I needed to go to my old home one last time. I needed to patch myself up and get Liam his treatment.

How was I ever going to get back? How...?

EDITED 11/11/20

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