Chapter 34

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The man in front of us looked up at use and smiled, this time his smile looking a lot less threatening

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The man in front of us looked up at use and smiled, this time his smile looking a lot less threatening.


I said wide eyed looking at the giant man. He had to be as tall as my mate. He was slimmer but still very muscular. He had long hair, a few inches below his shoulders and a thick but short beard.

He coughed before saying

"T-his first-time shift."

He scratched his head and looked at Morrisey who was still in shock.

"Then how did you know to shift."

Zale frowned as his lip turned upwards in what looked to be a snarl.

"Man. Man at tank taught how, have instructions. Taught English too."

He said.

"Not a very good job..."

Morrisey muttered making me hit him.

"Hey! He's doing particularly good for someone who's been locked in a tank all his life!"

I said making him pout and say sorry to Zale. I turned to Zale and smiled.

"Can you walk?"

He shrugged and got up, wobbling a bit at first but took easy strides. I blushed when I saw smaller Zale. Well, should I say big, smaller Zale.

"Damn if I wasn't a mated man..."

Whistled Morrisey...

I glared at him and hit him again.

"You know you're becoming violent. I liked when you were shy and meek."

Said Morrisey frowning. I smiled and blew him a kiss making him roll his eyes.

"So, Zale, do you think you'd like to live with us."

Zale turned to me and furred his eyebrows.

"We live together now. This home."

He said going to sit in front of me crosses leg. I shook my head at Zale and sighed.

"No Zale, I have a home. This is not my home. I have a mate and a family I need to get back to."

I said putting a hand on his shoulders. Zale frowned at me.

"We no family...? Me want family, me thought you family..."

He said his eyes turning misty. Immediately felt bad and frowned.

"No! That is not what I meant. What I meant is that I have more family back on land. Family I want to see again. You can come with us and join our family. You can live with us, come back to the ocean anytime you want. No tanks, not scientist, nothing!"

I said making him look at me and Morrisey who only nodded. Zale frowned.

"Why family no come here?"

He said crossing his arms. I sighed; I can understand his fear of land but still.

"My family is too big for this cave. Plus, I think you will like our other home. Just try it out for me, please?"

I said offering his hand. He hesitated but nodded. He looked up and saw the night sky.

"To dark. Predators, we leave morning time."

He said making Morrisey and I nod.

I smiled and clapped my hands happy to be seeing my mate again.

Morrisey turned to me and gave me a big hug.

"Told you everything would be okay."

He pushed me away and smiled playfully but then turned to Zale.

"Oh Zale! What was it earlier you were trying to say to Aquarius?"

Zale seemed to remember he had wanted to say something and turned to me with a look.

"Oh! Me try tell you, you got baby!"

He said crawling over and placing a hand over my stomach with a big smile. I gasped and put my hand over his.


I said almost a whisper. He nodded vigorously.

"Me feel power, very strong."

He said with a serious look making me burst out giggling. Soon Morrisey giggles, and then Zale. All of us laughed as hard as we could on the cave floor.

I was so happy.

"Okay, Okay Guys. Let us get some rest because we have a lot of swimming to do."

I said yawning. Morrisey and Zale nodded getting comfortable in their favorite spots.

I just closed my eyes and thought of the little nugget growing inside of me.

I was going to be a mother.

I felt giddy and happy at the thought of my own family, something I have always wanted.

With a small smile on my face I fell asleep and thought of me, my mate, and our soon to be baby.


In the morning we all shifted into our true forms and got ready for the journey. Morrisey kept making me eat more than I needed, but I know I needed to eat for the baby's sake as I was going to be burning off a lot from this swim.

Zale screeched at us and shot off in a swim which we followed. It felt good to swim in my natural form, the water cooling my skin and tail working against the current.

I sighed happily and held a hand over my flat stomach. In just 7 months I would be a mother, have a family of my very own.

The first night that was all I could think of really. I was also incredibly happy to be getting back to my mate. I missed him quite a lot and I know he was probably going crazy right now. I was thinking of ways to ease him into the idea of Zale. I refused to let him hurt him, especially since he did not know what he did was wrong. He just wanted company, a family, and I will be damned if he was not going to get one.

By the second day I ate about three full snapper and was ready for another day of swimming. We were far out so I knew it was going to be a while. Hopefully, I had a plan to ease Zale into our pack and stop any attacks from happening by the time we got home.

I also did not want Zale to be scared off by three angry mates. I sighed in stress but then remembered that was bad for the baby.

Why was my life so complicated?

EDITED 11/12/20

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