Chapter 19

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Liam was amazed at the ocean life

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Liam was amazed at the ocean life. He gasped and pointed at everything like a guppy. I showed him my favorite spots and as many animals as I could.


He screeched pointing to a large lionfish.

"A lionfish, don't touch them, they're venomous."

I said making him frown.

"But they're so pretty!"

I chuckled, pulling him along.

"Do you want to bring Vincent and Kyle down here?"

I said. He began to nod rapidly before stopping and frowning. He looked at me with a slight glare.

"Actually, I don't know..."

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What is it with you land dwellers and kissing? Back in my tribe everyone kissed, it is a sign of affection and loyalty to your family. You humans and werewolves make something so innocent so sexual."

I said looking at him. He sheepishly smiled at me and rubbed his neck.

"I'm sorry, werewolves are just very possessive of their mates. I do want Kyle to see all of this though. It's magnificent and gorgeous down here..."

He said, looking at the ocean floor in awe. I smiled at him; glad he enjoys my first home. As we swam back to the boat, he started to ask me questions about merfolk and the ocean.

"So how can we talk normally? It's like the water isn't even in my ears or anything!"

He said throwing his arms up dramatically.

"It's because we aren't actually speaking any words. Right now, if humans could hear us it would just sound like a bunch of high-pitched squeaks and whines. We use sound frequency like most animals, especially like whales do."

I said, he just made an O shape with his mouth.

Soon we made it to the boat and I quickly swam us up to the surface. My mate was on his cell phone while Kyle seemed to be drawing something in a book.


Liam screeched swimming to the boat. Kyle jumped, clutching his ears painfully.

"What the HELL was that?!"

Said Kyle, still seeming to be in pain. Liam quickly jumped onto the boat and ran to his mate.

"BABY! What is wrong?! Tell me what hurts!"

He said making Kyle wince and jump back.

"Liam! How and why are you making that noise! Stop!"

He said backing away, making Liam frown and his lips quiver. I swam up to the boat and hopped on.

"Liam don't be sad, he can't understand you. To him you still sound like us merfolk."

Vincent walked over to me and sat down. I smiled at him and pecked his lips quickly.

"Kyle, the kiss made him learn the merfolk language. He does not know how to switch back yet. Come here and bring Liam."

I said leaning against my mate. They walked over, Kyle still rubbing his ears.

"How long is this going to last?"

He asked grumpily. Sitting down next to Liam. Liam smiled sheepishly at his mate and kissed his cheek. I looked at Liam silently asking if it was okay to still go along with the plan.

Liam purses his lips but nodded. I tapped Kyle on his shoulders making him turn to me. As soon as he did, I connected our lips in a cold and wet kiss.

I could hear Vincent growl and in no time, he pulled me away and to his lap.

"No more kisses."

He said gruffly. Breathing deeply into my neck and holding onto my waist tightly. I nodded and rubbed his hands that were wrapped around my waist.

"Can we go back now?"

Asked Liam excitedly. Kyle instantly let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god that sound is gone."

I giggled and turned to Kyle and Vincent.

"Liam wants you guys to come with us down to the cove."

I said smiling. Kyle looked excited and Vincent just nodded to interested in kissing and sucking at my neck.

"Here before we leave, let me do something really quick."

I said pushing Vincent's hands away, who groaned in protest. The three let me jump into the water and disappear. I quickly swam to the reef and let out high pitch squeals, hoping to attract dolphins. Instantly I got a squeal in return and smiled.

I sat on a coral bed and sighed happily at being home. I jumped high when I felt like I was being watched. Thinking it was a predator I jumped up and looked around and saw two fins disappear behind a tall bed of coral and kelp.

"Who's there?"

I asked swimming away slowly. After taking a deep breath I shot up and over the coral bed only to see nothing. I looked up and saw two glowing eyes in the kelp, but as quickly as I saw them, they disappeared.

So, I nearly had a heart attack when something cold nudged my back. I turned around ready to fight when I saw it was just two dolphins wanting to play.

I smiled and petted them all over. I told them to follow me and swam to the boat. I popped up and held my hand out to my mate who had no problem jumping in. Liam squealed and did a cannon bowl. Kyle scared about anything happening to his mate jumped right on in after him.

"Grab one on their fin Kyle, and Liam do the same with the other one!"

I said to them. They both took a fin and I smiled. I yipped to the dolphins and sped off clutching Vincent too me. We reached a kelp and coral bed that I have never been to before.

"Isn't it beautiful..."

I whispered looking at all the tropical fish and sea life. My mate smiled at me and pulled me into a sizzling kiss, which I eagerly returned.

"You've made my life amazing..."

He whispers, brushing his thumb back and forth on my cheek. I gave him a big smile and hug- hoping he could see how much he means to me.

Kyle and Liam played with the dolphins who were soaking up the attention. I let go of Vincent who swam up to one of the dolphins. I sat down on a rock and watched the three people who have become my land tribe, and my family. Life was good.

I was so focused on watching Kyle and Vincent argue about who the dolphin liked more than I did not notice Liam until he screamed bloody murder.

All our heads snapped up to see him being pulled away by some... I did not know what it was. Kyle screamed his name and tried to swim after him but was too slow.

I quickly shot off my rock and prayed to Poseidon that this thing would not take my best friend.

EDITED 11/12/20

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