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Mingyu was a mess when he went to school the next day. He felt as if his whole life had ended, and he wouldn't be able to ask anyone out anymore. Maybe he wasn't meant to be gay. Maybe it was a sign from God that he really should be dating girls and that being gay was a sin. Mingyu's eyes watered up as he entered the school. Honestly, he wished he wasn't at school that day, but he was a good student and had to persevere.

That all suddenly meant nothing to him as soon as he saw Wonwoo walking down the hall. He turned and faced the wall, his nose pressing into the bulletin board in front of him as he could hear Wonwoo's voice get louder then softer as he walked away. Mingyu really hoped that Wonwoo didn't notice him as he turned away from the wall and headed to his class. Mingyu whimpered and sniffled as he entered the classroom. He saw Jeonghan messing around with his hair at his desk and walked up to him sullenly.

"Jeonghan," Mingyu wept, his face almost touching the floor.

"What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked.

"Wonwoo rejected me," Mingyu slumped onto Jeonghan's desk, his knees on the floor as he cried silently on Jeonghan's desk.

Jeonghan brushed his hair back and patted the sad boy's back, Mingyu sniffling some more. Mingyu exhaled after trying to stop crying and looked up at Jeonghan.

"Do you know why?" Jeonghan asked Mingyu.

"He said he wasn't interested!" Mingyu cried.

"You two should've hung out before you asked him out," Jeonghan pointed out.

Mingyu's jaw dropped, and he frowned at Jeonghan.

"You're the one who told me to ask him out!" Mingyu despaired.

Mingyu suddenly stood up and tears were literally spilling from his eyes. He backed away and was going to sit down, but Mingyu was too distraught; he didn't even want to be in class that day.

"Mingyu, I-" Jeonghan tried.

"You're a meanie, Jeonghan!" Mingyu ran out of the room crying.

Mingyu slammed the door behind him and ran through the halls, tears streaming down his face. He ran through the school for a good five minutes before he finally calmed down and slowed down to a walk. He sniffed as he walked passed the nurse's room, only to walk backwards and stand facing the door. Honestly, Mingyu didn't know where to go; he could honestly skip school and go home since his mom could cover for him as the secretary for the principal, but he didn't feel like coming up with an excuse. Maybe he could go to the nurse and say he had a stomach ache. Yes, that would work better than ditching school.

"Uh, excuse me," Mingyu said hesitantly as he opened the door to the nurse's office.

"Yes, how may I help you?" the nurse, who was at her desk typing away, answered without turning around.

"I don't feel well," Mingyu muttered.

"What are your symptoms?" the nurse asked, her back still facing Mingyu.

"Body aches, headache, broken heart," Mingyu listed them slowly.

Suddenly, the nurse turned around and stared at Mingyu. She slowly removed the glasses and revealed her teary eyes. Her lips pulled into a frown and she said, her voice cracking, "Did you say broken heart?"

Mingyu nodded violently, and the nurse clutched her heart. A single tear escaped from her right eye and rolled down her face. She stood up, walked over to Mingyu, and put her hands on his shoulders as she whispered, "You can always come here if you're suffering from heartbreak."

Mingyu started tearing up and the two hugged, tears streaming down their faces as they recognized each other's failed effort, broken hearts, and absolute hurt and anguish. They held each other tight for a good three minutes until the door to the nurse's room slammed open and a boy came running in with another boy on his back.

"Nurse! Seungcheol was punched in the face and he passed out!" the boy said frantically. "His nose is bleeding too! I think he broke his nose!"

The nurse tore herself away from Mingyu, who was still busy crying and glared at the boy before saying, "Is his heart broken?"

The boy blinked, but the nurse held her steady gaze. Mingyu turned around, looked at the figure that was now laying on the ground passed out, then at the boy who brought his friend in. The boy looked at Mingyu and blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked, then Mingyu blinked, then the boy blinked before he answered the nurse's previous question, "I don't think so?"

"Then he's fine," the nurse deadpanned. "Throw him on a cot."

The boy's jaw dropped. He scrambled to pick up his passed out friend, and Mingyu looked back at the nurse, who gestured for him to sit on a sofa in her office. Tears once again came to his eyes as he graciously accepted the nurse's kindness; Mingyu was so grateful.

HAIR DYE → MEANIEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant