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On his way to school the next morning, Mingyu stared at his phone. He had Wonwoo's contact information pulled up, and he clicked on the conversation he had with him. He continuously stared at the messages that Wonwoo sent while also thinking about what Jeonghan said. The thought of Wonwoo not being interested in Mingyu made Mingyu anxious and upset.

"Stupid Jeonghan," Mingyu muttered to himself as he got to his locker. "He at least should have told me how to ask Wonwoo out. He went and got his stupid hair chopped off instead."

As he stood by his locker, Mingyu continued looking at the texts and realized that Wonwoo didn't say why he wasn't interested. His curiosity peaked as Mingyu started reading in between the lines of the text. Maybe Wonwoo wasn't interested in Mingyu because he didn't know Mingyu yet. Of course, it was just a theory Mingyu had, but if that was the reason why Wonwoo wasn't interested, then maybe Mingyu would have a chance. A dumb grin was plastered to Mingyu's face as he typed out the message he wanted to send to Wonwoo.

just wondering... why aren't you interested? |

Mingyu stared at the text. He rested his forehead against the locker bank and sighed to himself as he continuously stared at the damned message. He didn't have the mental competency to contemplate whether or not he should send the message, nor did he have the courage to just be spontaneous and send it. He hit his head lightly against his locker several times, a figure coming up behind him.

"Mingyu? What's wrong?" the person asked, startling Mingyu.

Mingyu jumped and turned around to see his underclassmen, Chan. Mingyu exhaled deeply and hit Chan's shoulder as he said, "You scared me!"

"Sorry, but what are you doing?" Chan asked. "People are staring at you like you're crazy."

Mingyu looked around him and noticed that people really were looking at him weirdly. He put his head down and looked at his phone, only to see that the message he had typed out was sent. His eyes teared up rapidly as he grabbed Chan by the collar and said, "Why did you do that? I didn't want to send him that text!"

Chan's head flung back and forth as Mingyu kept shaking the poor, confused boy. He looked down at his collar and tried to get Mingyu to let go when he noticed that a new message was on the screen- Mingyu's phone was still in his hand as he held Chan by the collar. He pointed at the phone in Mingyu's hands and said, "Look, he texted back!"

Mingyu quickly let go of Chan and looked at the messages to see Wonwoo's reply.

wonwoo: i don't know you, nor did i know you until this year.

"Hey," Mingyu showed Chan the text. "What does this mean to you?"

Chan looked at the text briefly and asked, "Wait, do you like Wonwoo?"

Mingyu nodded eagerly, and Chan exhaled before he said, "Wonwoo is literally the worst person to like because he won't want to do anything with you unless you've been friends with him for, like, years."

"Huh?" Mingyu was confused.

"Basically, don't let Wonwoo not liking you back get to you. First get to know him, and then you might have a fair chance," Chan said. "I gotta head to class. I'll see you later, Gyu!"

Mingyu nodded and waved the younger kid off before looking down at his phone and grinning at it. He had to tell Jeonghan. He ran to class and slammed the door to the classroom open. He walked quickly into the room as he screamed for Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan! I have-" Mingyu cut himself off as he saw a boy standing in front of him.

The two stared at each other, the boy sitting at a desk looking from person to person. Mingyu blinked, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, then the boy, then Mingyu, and then the boy said, "Who you?"

The boy sitting down at the desk fell out of his chair as Mingyu blinked again.

"I'm Mingyu. Who you?"


Mingyu stumbled backwards and held up a trembling finger as he covered his mouth.

"You're the guy that chopped off Jeonghan's hair!"

Seungcheol grimaced as Mingyu trembled uncontrollably, his wobbly legs carrying him around the room.

"Jeonghan was so mad! He-" Mingyu was cut off as a pair of hands covered his face.

Mingyu was then tossed to the back of the room, Jeonghan dusting his hands as he walked towards Seungcheol. Mingyu sulked as he sat on the ground in the back of the room. The boy sitting at the desk from earlier stood up and walked over to Mingyu. Mingyu looked up at the boy, who held his hand out for him. Mingyu took his hand and stood up, the boy smiling at him.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked. "My name is Seokmin, by the way."

"Yeah. Thank you, Seokmin," Mingyu smiled back; it made him happy that there were at least a couple nice people on this planet.

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