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After school on the Friday of his big date with Wonwoo, Mingyu could not stop panicking. He was running around his room trying to figure out what to wear, how to make his hair look good, and contemplating whether or not he should steal some of his father's very expensive cologne. After making his room a mess (and burying his dog under his pile of clothes), Mingyu finally decided on what to wear. He also decided to just brush out his hair slightly instead of putting more mousse in his hair.

"I'll be off!" Mingyu said as he grabbed his phone, wallet, and jacket before sprinting out of the house- he could've have sworn his parents said something before he dashed out the door, but it was too late; they would just have to text him what they said.

On his sprint to the local movie theater, Wonwoo texted Mingyu telling him to save a seat for him because he was going to be right on time since he was still at school. Mingyu happily bought his ticket and got some popcorn at the theater before sitting down in one of the middle rows, and just as Wonwoo said, he made it right in time before the movie started.

"I got some popcorn for us to share during the movie," Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo.

"No, thanks. I don't like eating during movies," Wonwoo whispered back.

Mingyu tried to pay attention during the entire movie, but he couldn't hear any of the dialogue over his own heart beating- which should have raised some concern for him because the movie was almost three hours long- but he just couldn't believe that Wonwoo actually agreed to watch this movie with him. Although Chan did warn him that Wonwoo just wanted company for the movie, Mingyu couldn't help but feel so honored that Wonwoo actually wanted to watch this movie with him. At the end of the movie, the two wordlessly left the theater, and for once, Wonwoo initiated the conversation (nearly giving Mingyu a heart attack in the process).

"Did you like the movie?" Wonwoo asked.

Mingyu didn't want to tell him the truth that he wasn't even paying attention to the entire movie, so he lied by gritting his teeth and nodding. Wonwoo smiled and looked down at the ground shyly as he said, "She's my favorite director, and all the boys on the basketball team hate her movies, so I never get to see them in theater with another person. I don't like going to the movies alone."

"Me neither!" Mingyu said way too loudly. "The movie was good, though. I would definitely come back to watch her next movie with you."

"Really?" Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu with bright, shining eyes, and Mingyu had to hold his tongue before he let out a little squeal at how bright Wonwoo looked at that very moment.

"Really," Mingyu agreed.

The two left the theater, and before Mingyu started to head home, Wonwoo stopped him and said, "Wait! Would you like to come over one of these days to watch her other movies? I own all of them on Blu-Ray."

Mingyu didn't even have to think. He immediately said yes and made plans with Wonwoo for their next movie date. Mingyu honestly couldn't wait for their next "date" (as he liked to put it), and he skipped all the way home. Even though it was nearly midnight, his parents told him to walk his dog, King, and, frankly, Mingyu didn't care because he was the happiest person on Earth.

On his walk with his dog, Mingyu walked past Jeonghan's place and decided to stop by to say hi (even though it was late at night). He knocked on the door, and instead of Jeonghan responding, Jeonghan's mom answered the door, her cheeks flushed a rosy shade of pink.

"Hi, is Jeonghan home?" Mingyu asked as he tried to stop King from jumping on Jeonghan's mom.

"I don't think so. He didn't come home from school today," Jeonghan's mom slurred out. "He'll be okay!"

"Right," Mingyu trailed off. "Alright then, have a good night!"

Mingyu left and returned home before crashing. He'd worry about Jeonghan later.

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