Something interesting

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I was so over joyed with my triumph that I rushed to George and hugged him tightly like an elementary school kid, he hesitated in my embrace but nonetheless hugged me back.

He perched his lips in a sophisticated smile and opened the back seat to let me hop on. I slammed the door shut and sat in the front seat instead.

"Your father would be so angry if he sees you sitting here" he interjected while starting the car.

I can't blame him for his reaction,he is my butler, driver or personal assistant in every task. Though he is appointed by my father as an employee but I have never seen him only as an assistant.

"Do hell with his anger" I cursed. I already had enough. He forced me to come back so that he could govern me,can take decisions of my life-- like before--- when he sent me away to focus on his work as if I was a burden to him,a hindrance to his success.
The only one that have ever cared about me was George--- or he just tried to do his Job,I am not sure.
I am not even sure why he took this job---he is good looking smart man in his forties--- but he was always there for me when I needed my father the most.

"Want something to eat? "He snapped me out of my thoughts. He was very well aware that I like Street foods,I grinned like a kid,we stopped in front of a burger joint.
" sure...,a burger will be good ". He came out of the driver's seat and was about to open the door for me,I grabbed the door and refused to come out. As I was busy listening the music in my car swinging my head side to side. I peeked out of window and saw George walking towards the car carrying a coffee in one hand and two burgers in another.

I jumped out of the car and snatched both the burgers from him.
" Hey...,don't be greedy" he stretched his hand to get the package. I ran out of his reach and stood on the other side of car. He cased me and after a few seconds ,we were running in circles around the car.

"I am old play along with you, kid!" He said in between his out of rhythm, breathing. He leaned on the hood of the car pressing his back on the hard surface,and took deep and long breaths to subdue the uprising of his chest.

"Are you alright"? I rushed to him. He closed his eyes and sighed. He looked tired---or more like dejected. He laughed and stood up, worry written all over his face.

" I am fine"he patted on my back and snatched the burgers from me."one for each"he handed one to me.

We ate in silence. George was like a father figure to me. He new about my likes and dislikes, but most importantly he new how to handle me. When I needed him the most ,my father sent me to Australia. And from that day on I considered myself as an orphan. I hate my father so much that I never talked to him until I was forced to come back.

"Your father won't be here for dinner tonight" he read the message looking at the screen"His secretary texted me".

"As if I care" I shrugged .George offered me a paper towel to clean my hands.

My father is a business maniac,a tycoon, an ideal to be followed by newcomers in the field.
Basically I am like a princess living in a tower waiting for her prince charming to rescue her. I chuckled at my thoughts, as if I want a prince charming--- no-- never --- I am not gay. It was just a way of explaining my situation I argued to myself.

"I am worried about you" he placed a hand on my shoulder,I turned to look at his face. I tried to figure out what was he about to say but failed miserably. He squeezed my shoulder"I don't want you to be lonely like me".It was the first time he ever mentioned anything regarding him."find something to love,to make your life interesting"he was acting like a philosopher. If it had not been him,I would have punched the preacher. He stared into my eyes "I want you to live like a high schooler ,to enjoy each and every moment of life----like when you were grinning as an idiot at the school gate when I went to pick you up".

Why was I grinning,I thought. Oh! right that idiot---who tried to mess with me -- finally I showed him 'who is the boss here'.

" you are grinning again "he arched a brow.

Smiling nonchalantly" found something interesting " I muttered to myself .I walked to my car stuffing  my hands in my pockets" let's's getting late".

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