Plan in Execution

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He was daring, I knew it  since the day I met him,but he would go that far I had never thought about it. The photo was taken from the night we stayed together. I pondered over the real culprit' If we were asleep there must be a third person. who this person could be'?.

I never had an issue with anyone here ,except for Mathew .' But why the hell he would upload his own

Squinting my eyes even further I once again scrutinised,and what I found was enough to me as a reason to strangle his dear life. Anyone could have recognised me in a glance but his face was not in clear view.

'So that's why he uploaded it' i clenched my fist in determination when finally I found the reason I was wondering about.

I tried to search for IP address but failed. Mere doubt was not good enough to accuse him, I needed proof. But what was there to prove?.

I was deep in thought, continuously rubbing my chin when a tiny drop of blood landed on the screen of my phone.

'Shit! ' I cursed ' did he really had to use that much force against my fragile nose'.

Certainly in strength he was an equal  match for me,coming fist to fist with him was not a good idea. I would have to use my brain to teach him that he is messing with the wrong guy. But before that I needed to go to the nurse's office to stop my nose bleeding. I left the lockers for nurse's office.

As I made my way to the corridor, I felt the questionable glare from everyone. 'Fuck! He surely ruined my image 'I mentally cursed' now I will make sure that he would reap the same crop ,of which seeds he had sowed for me'.

' Let the law of retribution work on him'.

After coming back from nurse's office
as I made my way to my second class, my eyes landed on the person i was searching for. Mathew was walking a few feet ahead of me. I matched his pace and stood in front of him.

"The little stunt you pulled today is fucking going to take you to the hell I am building for you" I intimidated.

"Instead of this why don't you build a fucking asylum for you. Where you can get a good treatment for your sick mind" he back mouthed and I  smirked at his guts to talk back after what he did. I let it pass calmly coz I could not win him in an argument or in fist fighting. I needed to use his trick against him.

"Now ,get the fuck out of my way" he gritted " I have other important things to do".

I stepped aside. He walked past me and I too headed to my class.

The teacher in my class informed that the Principal wanted to see me. 'He must have seen the photo' Pondering over the reason for this sudden news I entered into the office. He motioned me to sit one of the chairs at the front of his desk. He was looking expectedly to me. But I was out of words to start a conversation.

He sighed and left his chair to sit on the desk just in front of me. Placing a hand on my shoulder he said " I have no problem with you being gay.  And I will make sure that no one would ever bother you in school in this regard " continuously patting on my shoulder he assured.

I wanted to retort that I am not fucking gay. But could not have uttered a word. Moreover what was there to explain. My image in school was already ruined and the only thing that I was able to think of was ,how to bend Mathew on his knees and to make him realise the gravity of his act. I was suffering coz of him and he too needed to face suffering and humiliation.

"What happened to your nose? " he asked.

"It's nothing" I assured "I must have gotten it from the practice".

He nodded in understanding. " about the other boy in the photo...."'He paused and continued ".... is he Mathew the boxing
champion ?".

My eyes popped out of my sockets. How the hell did he recognised him?.

" where did you get the idea? " I chuckled nervously and sat straight in my chair.

" the way you are obsessed with him " he smiled " sure.... you have a thing for him. You guys kind of make a good couple ".

I sure do have a thing for him but not any of the shit he was talking about. Moreover the idea of me having a thing for him is ridiculous enough to stir the pit my stomach.

" don't worry. There is no need to answer every question that I have asked" he assured and stood up
" anytime you need to talk about this, I am here. Feel free to come to me".


'Where the hell is he?' I wondered while sitting at the bleachers ready for today's practice. Coach yelled to assemble all of us on the ground. Still Mathew was no where to be found. I stomped out and stood among rest of the people. But my eyes never left the door of the gym.

"Hey" one of the guys nudged me.

"Hi" I just wanted the conversation to be short.

"I had no idea about you being gay" he clicked his tongue and after taking a pause continued"...actually you don't look like one".

"Why?"I questioned.

For the first time I forgot about me being gay or not and his remark made me angry " do the gay people supposed to have horns on their heads?" I barked at him.

"I...just....." he struggled with words.

"Why the hell are you late?" the demanding voice of coach caught my attention. He was referring to the person I was searching for. When I saw him I forgot everything about the fucking conversation with the other guy. His eyes too was roaming from face to face unless untill  they found me.  I flashed him a big smirk and he looked way.

"as you guys know we don't have much time" coach announced " the upcoming trials are on Monday.... " he joined his palms together " now we are going to work on  defensive techniques....and the first thing will be how to break a clinch?".

After getting a round of applause from the guys he motioned to Mathew " as you know Mr. Smith's defensive techniques are very good. I want him to come forward for the demonstration" again the arena filled with the claps of appraisal.

He hesitantly came forward and stood in the centre of the ring.

"I need a volunteer" the coach  raised his hand. And that was the chance I was looking for. I jogged forward from the crowd and stood in front of the coach.

"Are you sure ...?" he doubted " his techniques are way better than
yours ".

I stole a glance at Mathew. He was staring at me. His Adam's apple was continuously bobbling up and down.
I smirked at the  thought of him being nervous.

Driving my eyes back to the coach I replied " I too have a few techniques".

Sighing a 'fine ' coach motioned me to go to the ring. As I took my place in the ring my opponent consciously took a step back. 'Good ' I smirked coz I was going
to drag him down no matter what.

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