chapter zero ➸ the prologue

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INGRID MIKAELSON WAS SITTING IN A TREE OBSERVING FROM AFAR AS THE WOLVES JOINED THE CULLENS IN THE CLEARING. She thought back on the phone call she had received from her old friend, Carlisle Cullen, asking her to help fight a newborn army of Cold Ones. Ingrid had thought about contacting her twin since he loved war and was most suited in these areas, yet she knew he had other matters to attend to.

She swung her legs back and forth on the tree, listening in to their conversation, wondering when she should make her appearance.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." She hears Carlisle explain.

She can only assume that the wolves were confused on how much more troublesome the newborns were from the average Cold One.

Ingrid sees Carlisle nod to a man with honey-blonde, shoulder-length hair and continues to observe as he steps forward, looking uncomfortable.

"Carlisle's right. That's why newborns are created for armies." The man complies.

"One of them - Quil - he wants to know how many vampires constitute an army. He seems to be made... nervous by the term." Another says.

The wolf seems to look embarrassed, and the honey-blonde haired man laughs.

""Army" is an expression for a large number of newborns. The good news is, they are not in the thousands, like a human army." he pauses, "The bad news is, no human army could stand against them. But they're untrained, and their thirst will make them wild. Volatile. That can work in our favor."

Ingrid decides that now is the perfect time to make her presence known. She stands up on the branch she was previously sitting on and jumps to another tree next to the group.

"Right you are, love." She looks down from the branch of the tree and smirks before she jumps down.

The vampires and wolves are startled by her and are ready to attack until Carlisle speaks up.

"Ingrid, I was hoping you'd come." He says with a small smile on his face.

They share a brief hug.

"Carlisle, who is that?" A bronze-haired man questions.

"Everyone," Carlisle turns to the group, "This is an old friend of mine and someone who can help."

"I don't want anyone else getting hurt." A brown-eyed girl states firmly.

"Oh, don't worry sweetheart. After all, I cannot be killed." Ingrid says with a grin. She thinks of her twin after the words come out of her mouth, realizing how Klaus-like that sentence was, and internally chuckles.

Everyone looks puzzled at her until a blonde woman speaks up.

"Who the hell are you?" She demands.

"Rosalie-" A dark-haired woman starts to scold.

"No, it's perfectly alright." Ingrid says and walks toward the blonde, "I can already tell we'll get along. After all, your attitude is much like my sisters." Ingrid can't help but be reminded of her little sister Rebekah.

"The wolves have questions." The bronze-haired man states.

"I'll be more than happy to answer them, but first may I ask your names?" Ingrid asks politely.

Each of the vampires introduces themselves, and then the one known as Edward interprets the wolves questions.

"Sam wants to know who you are and how you can help with the newborns." He interprets looking from the black wolf to Ingrid.

Ingrid steps away from Carlisle's side and stands amongst the group.

"My name is Ingrid Mikaelson and as for my assistance with the newborns, I will let Carlisle explain." She looks to Carlisle and he nods his head then moves forward as she goes to lean on a tree.

"Ingrid is an Original, also one of the Original Hybrids. She comes from the Original Family, from where all vampires were created, although her type of vampire is very different." Carlisle voices.

"He wants to know what the difference between us are and what the Original Family is." Edward translates Sam's thoughts.

"I can answer that," Ingrid announces from the tree. "The Original Family is what vampires call us because we are where they come from, the source. It is comprised of myself and my siblings." She pauses and walks around, "You all may want to get comfortable. This is going to take some time, loves."

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