chapter eleven ➸ twins

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Paul moves from his spot next to Bree and makes his way over to Rebekah and Kat. "How much longer is this going to last?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I never stuck around long enough seeing as for five hundred years I was on the run from Klaus."

He looks to Kat, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously? You guys seemed like friends."

Rebekah chose that moment to speak up. "We hated Katerina, I personally probably hated her the most. Hell, she would've been dead if it weren't for Ingrid." She looks to Kat, "Somehow, Ingrid always managed to save your arse." Katherine laughs. "And as for how long those two will quarrel..." Rebekah trails off as she walks over to her siblings. She stands between them and slaps a hand over both of their mouths, their words become muffled.

Ingrid looks to her little sister and licks the hand covering her mouth.

"Ew! You're bloody disgusting!" Rebekah furiously scrubs her hand against Klaus' jacket. As she did so, she removed the hand stopping Klaus from speaking.

"Why are you wiping it on me?!"

"She's your twin!"

As Rebekah and Klaus argue, Ingrid doubles over in laughter. They stop squabbling and look towards their sister.

"I think your pregnancy hormones are affecting your brain." Klaus mumbles. Since almost everyone at the bonfire had supernatural hearing, they heard him.

Kat jerked her head over to a sheepish looking Ingrid. "You're pregnant?!" Everyone snapped their heads over to the hybrid, Paul now next to her, an arm around her waist.

Before anyone could say anything else, Ingrid spoke up. "I saw that happening a mile away!" She exclaimed, her finger pointing towards Bree and Seth. Seth was staring at her, jaw gaping and his eyes wide. The attention that was once on the expecting couple was now on the newly imprinted one. The two fifteen-year-olds faces blushed, both self-conscious of the eyes on them, and looked away from each other.

Billy cleared his throat, his face indicating that it was time to start. Everyone hurriedly gathered their food and went back to their spots.

Ingrid's plate was piled higher than usual now that she knew she wasn't just eating for one anymore. She looked around at her siblings and her best friend, smiling.

Leah and Klaus were sitting closely together, her head on his shoulder. Rebekah was sat on Jacob's lap. Kat's and Embry's hands were intertwined. Bree and Seth were trying to avoid eye contact, still blushing from embarrassment, but still sitting close to each other.

Paul looked at his pregnant girlfriend, then to her hand when his eyes bulged out. All of the food that was once stacked high was now eaten. I knew her pregnancy meant she would eat more, but how the hell did she eat it all that fast?!

He was brought out of his thoughts when Ingrid reclined against him, settling her head on his chest. His arms wrapped around her as she sat between his legs. "It's about to start." He whispers in her ear before directing his line of sight to Billy.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning..." Billy starts, "But we've always had magic in our blood." Everyone's attention is wholly on Billy, his voice commanding. "We were great spirit warriors... Shapeshifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies, and protect our tribe."

Around the fire, Leah, Paul, Jacob, Embry, and Seth glance at their imprints, gauging their reactions.

"One day our warriors came across a creature... It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice... Our warriors' sharp teeth, finally tore it apart... But only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's Third Wife could see that he would lose... The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers, but one... Courage. The Third Wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains... The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us." he concludes.

After Billy finishes speaking of their history, everyone begins to get up.

Ingrid and Paul are about to leave when Bree runs up to them. "Seth asked me if I could stay over his house tonight for a movie night. Can I?" She gives them puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, just make sure you don't stay up all night. Alright?"

"Thanks!" A bright smile on her face, she brings her newfound 'parents' into a quick embrace then leaves them, heading in Seth's direction.

Paul looks at Ingrid, exhaustion clearly evident in his features. "Let's go home." He muttered tiredly.

"Actually... We have one stop to make before that, and you may not like it." He raises an eyebrow at her in question. "I sent a text to Carlisle when we were on our way here to see if he would give me an ultrasound."

"We have to go there?!" He doesn't even hide his distaste.

"So, you don't want to see how our baby is doing?"

Paul studied her and knew that whatever he said next would end up getting him in trouble either way. He raises his hand in surrender. Ingrid provides him with a pleased and victorious expression.

They walk up the steps towards the door, about to knock, when Alice opens it. "Ingrid!" She brings the woman into a hug, then looks to Paul. She gives him a nod of acknowledgment that he returns. Although Ingrid despised Bella, she still made friends with the other Cullens, especially with Rosalie.

Paul and Ingrid entered the house the same time as Carlisle appeared and greeted them. He led them to the examination room, he usually has set aside for his son's clumsy fiance and instructed Ingrid to lay down. Paul on her left side, holding her hand, and Carlisle on her right.

"This is going to be a little cold." He warned her. Carlisle applies the lubricating jelly on her stomach and she shuddered slightly at its temperature. He rubs the jelly with the transducer, and image coming into view on the monitor.

Ingrid peeks at Paul to see him gawking at the picture, then returns her gaze to the screen.

Carlisle is guiding the transducer around and stops when he finds what he was looking for. He smiles.

"What is it?" He heard Ingrid inquire.

He looks at the awaiting couple. "I'm getting more than one heartbeat, two actually." He notifies them. "Sometimes miracles some in pairs."

"Twins..." Paul breathed out in awe, the reality of being a father finally hitting him.

Carlisle guides his finger along the monitor, "Here they are." He looks to the couple and informs them that he'll leave them to themselves and makes his way out the door.

"We're having twins." Ingrid's eyes fill with tears of joy, she feels them spilling onto her cheeks.

"Yeah." Paul's eyes redden and glaze over, trying his hardest to not cry out of glee. Grinning, they both stare at the screen that displays their unborn children.

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