chapter fifteen ➸ she always answers

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SAYING THAT PAUL IS WORRIED WAS AN UNDERSTATEMENT. He had been continuously calling Ingrid's cell phone since the end of his shift, wanting to invite her over to Sam and Emily's because Emily had made her most recent favorite food, spaghetti. Her cravings frequently changed due to her pregnancy and spaghetti was what you would see her eating almost every single day.

His body was full of anxiety wondering why she wasn't picking up. After all, Ingrid would always answer his calls.

Maybe her phone died,  he thought as he tried to calm the rapidly growing concern he held for the woman.

Paul was standing outside Sam and Emily's home staring down at the phone wishing that it would suddenly ring and Ingrid's face would pop up on the screen. He was so focused on that hope that he didn't hear Klaus walk up to him. He didn't notice until a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"You alright mate?" Klaus questions.

"I'm just worried about Ingrid. She won't answer." He responded, not removing his eyes from the phone.

Paul's last words made Klaus tense.

"What do you mean she won't answer?" Paul senses the urgency laced in his tone. Both boys eyes widen, brown and blue orbs clash. "She always answers." They announced in sync.

Realization washed over them, they both sprinted over to Klaus' Black Chevy SUV and drove off to the cabin.

"Ingrid!" Paul yells.

"Sister, now is not the time for games!" Klaus sighs, "Where's the bedroom?"

Paul waves his hand for the hybrid to follow him and in no time they're standing in the doorway.

Klaus grimaces catching an unpleasant smell, one that both vampires and werewolves are weakened by. He makes his way over to the bed, tossing around the blankets when he lets out a howl of pain. He raises his hand to see his skin sizzling.

"What is that?" Paul gestures to the burn.

"A combination of vervain and wolfsbane." He examines his hand, eyes narrowed in thought. "Someone's taken her." The shifter turns his head away from the bed and to the Original. "Whoever it was knew what they were doing, vervain is used to weaken vampires and wolfsbane has the same reaction with werewolves. They combined the both of them and turned them into a powder. The perpetrator is either brave or awfully foolish to have taken Ingrid."

"Well, how the hell do we find her?!" Paul growls, his chest rumbling as his body shakes with anger.

"You don't think that I want to find her?! She is my sister! My twin, my other half! Without Ingrid I am nothing!" His voice strident as tears collected in his eyes.

"You don't think that I want to find her?! She is my sister! My twin, my other half! Without Ingrid I am nothing!" His voice strident as tears collected in his eyes

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Paul's shaking ceases as he looks at his girlfriend's twin, guilt consumed him when he realized his actions.

"I'm sorry." His apology captured Klaus' attention. "I know that she's your sister, but you're not the only one that has a right to panic! She's the woman I love and she's also pregnant! I'm petrified!" He finishes, heavily breathing.

The two made eye contact with each other and shared a look of understanding. In the process of calming down they smelled something familiar, no. Someone.

"Bella / Isabella."

Paul slams the car door shut and glances at Klaus as he barges in through the front door of the Cullen house. He may not be able to stand the odor but he'll endure it knowing they'll be of help to rescue Ingrid. He repeats Klaus' actions and sees the Cullens watching the man himself hugging a tall blonde woman with green eyes.

The woman locks eyes with him and gives him a smile and looks as if she's going to speak when a man suddenly punches Klaus, he has a mischievous air around him. "That was for ignoring me." He says innocently.

"Kol," Klaus responds and hugs the brunette, "I could have sworn Ingrid said she only needed Freya's assistance."

"Well, I wouldn't pass up the chance to say hello to my favorite sibling. Where is she anyway?" Kol looks around hoping to spot the other blue-eyed blonde.

The once friendly atmosphere immediately turned tense.

"She's been kidnapped." Klaus offers bluntly as Paul grits his teeth.

"Impossible, Ingrid would never let someone win in a fight against her. She's too bloody stubborn." Kol states as if it was completely ludacris that Ingrid could have been defeated.

Paul speaks up knowing that Kol is still unaware of his presence. "She wouldn't take the risk." Knowing she wouldn't put their unborn children live's in danger.

"Who are you?"

Klaus follows his line of sight with a smirk.

"He's Paul." The blonde woman walks up to him and holds out her hand, "I'm Freya. Ingrid's told me a lot about you."

He shakes her hand, "Likewise."

Freya spins around to face Kol. "And she wouldn't take the risk because she's not just looking out for herself anymore, there's also the twins to take into consideration."

Kol's eyes look like their about to pop out of his head. "She's pregnant?! Why didn't I know about this?!"

"Probably because you've been frolicking around with Davina."

Before a fight can break out between the brothers Paul intervenes. "We don't have time for you two to be screwing around!" The two remove themselves from one another.

Klaus sighs then composed himself, "Paul and I found a powdered version of vervain and wolfsbane in their bed and caught a scent we all know too well and that would be of the one and only Isabella Swan."

As if she heard her name, Bella arrived through the front door attempting to seem clueless as to what is going on. Everyone's eyes turn to her direction and in a flash Klaus had her pinned to the wall, a hand around her neck, and his hybrid features on display.

"Where is my sister?!" He inquires lowly, his rage unmistakable.

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