chapter eighteen ➸ mortal

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"INGRID'S IN DANGER!" Paul yells

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"INGRID'S IN DANGER!" Paul yells.

"What do you mean?"

Sam stands up from his spot behind Emily, "Is it the imprint?"

Paul nods his head and they all run outside knowing that they couldn't waste any more time on trying to figure out a plan that will outsmart Aro.

Before anyone else is able to speak, a luminous green light appears out of nowhere and three people tumble out of it. "Ow... What the hell? You would think that it would let us out gently, not toss us out like yesterday's garbage." Ingrid groans. "Ingrid, language." Esther scolds her daughter and Ingrid just waves her off.

The mother and daughter pair stand up and dust themselves off as best they can then speedily tend to Mikael's wound. Neither seems aware of the group of shifters or the remaining Mikaelson's standing in front of them, digesting the scene. Ingrid closely inspects his wound and hastily tries to remove the stoker but in the process of doing so, Mikael complains in agony. She bites her wrist open and forces it into his mouth but it won't do anything.

"Why isn't anything happening?!"

Paul is the first that regains his composure and snaps out of it. He stares at his panicking imprint and doesn't even question himself when he tackles her to the ground and embraces her, being careful of her stomach. Ingrid squeals at the sudden display of affection but hugs him back nonetheless seeing as she hadn't been able to be with him for the past month.

The couple are in their own world when Mikael's groans pull them back to Earth.

Ingrid releases the shifter and turns to her adoptive father, "Why didn't my blood work?" She asks, her voice laced in confusion. "Ingrid... You're still healing." Rebekah explains with eyes wide. She's about to protest until she looks down to her wrist to see that the wound is slowly healing.


Freya hurriedly makes her way over to her sister and murmurs a spell under her breath.

"How is this possible?"

Her brows furrowed, Freya takes a deep breath and looks up at the puzzled hybrid. She takes the daylight ring off of Ingrid's hand before anyone notices and nothing happens.

Ingrid doesn't burn.

"You're immortality... it's gone." She announces.

Ingrid looks at the witch and laughs believing she's joking but realizes she's being utterly serious. She feels something missing and her gaze moves down to her hand only to find her ring gone. She begins to process everything that recently happened.

The Mikaelson knew something seemed different after tapping into her children's magic and then the pieces started to fall together. Since she wasn't a witch, not even in her human years, the magic had nothing to latch onto. It wasn't hers and her children hadn't been born yet so it siphoned the only magic it could find. Her immortality, granted by Esther over a thousand years ago.

She wasn't immortal anymore.

Ingrid Mikaelson was no longer a Vampire or a Hybrid.

From this point on, the Original Hybrid that she once was had no meaning. Only a werewolf she stared at her siblings before her eyes met her twin's, both scared of what would happen their relationship now that she's a mortal.

The Hybrid Twin | Paul Lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now