episode 2

903 9 27

OK lets get into it...

This episode starts out kinda like that pitch perfect scene when everyone was trying out. so after all of these irrelevant people are done showing off their bad dance moves, the chicken girls come out and impress the judges, and the random guys who are watching in the bleachers, with their dry and stiff dance moves,I'm sorry for being so mean about their dancing It's just that I wish they all could be more coordinated with each other and they put more effort into their routine than their smiles if you understand where I'm coming from but anyways. After they perform the judges give the remaining 3 spots to Kayla, Quinn, and Ellie ( idk how to spell their names) so i guess this is this is where the conflict is going to rise because there were only 3 spots on the dance team but the chicken girls are a group of 4 so one of the group members are going to be left out, that person is Rhyme. To be honest I feel kinda bad for Rhyme because we are only in the first 2 episodes and she is already getting left out, like first her friends leave her hanging on the first day then she can't hang out with them as much and she can't dance with them unless it's outside of school.

so after they got chosen Rhyme was just leaving the GYM but this guy, his name is Tim, stops her to give her bracelet back and soon enough we find out that he is a writer for the school news paper and he is kayla's older cousin. when he leaves, you remember the guy who was walking with Rhyme in the first episode, well he walks in and is all surprised that she didn't get on the team and out of no where Rhyme brings up the Tim guy and dude from first episode gets all jealous, but I'm confused because.... RHYME AND DUDE FROM FIRST EPISODE ARE NOT DATING but ya know conflict.

Like 2 seconds after Tk was being all jealous he, out of no where invites her and her friend to his sisters birthday party but she declines him by giving him some shitty excuse but I don't know why she didn't want to go I'm begging to know why she didn't want to go.

let us skip to this birthday party So Ellie is pretty much stalking Henry's snap off of Kayla's phone but then decided to play match maker with Kayla and TK, it didn't really go to well because he started talking about all the times him and Rhyme hung out over the summer but I have to pause and say that shit was hella dramatic.

The chicken girls decide to put on a show when their matha frakin song comes on, the have this whole dance ready and it was just as bad as when they were dancing in the beginning but as long as they are having fun I cant judge. But I have to talk about the song, it's like this typical up beat pop song that is playing in a fucking arcade, I'm confused because if you look at the type of arcade they are at, I highly doubt that was the genera they would play, really I'm just trying to say the song really didn't fit the background but whatever.

So ya they end with their not so good dancing the end.

Please tell me what you think of this episode of the chicken girls I'd love to hear your opinion on it.

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