episode 7

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sooo we start with Rhyme ranting about her problems with her friends and boys bla bla bla but that conversation is cut short because she has to get to dance practice.

do you guys remember in the last episode when Flash told T.K to figure out a way to get into Rhyme's dance practices so he can spend more time with her.... wellllll HE'S THE MANAGER OF THE CHICKEN GIRLS NOW. Anyways cut to Ellie and Kayla. Ellie is all quiet and Kayla takes notice to that but Ellie doesn't wanna talk to her because if you remember, Ellie found some suspicious texts between kayla and Henry. My theory is that Kayla and Henry are planing something for Ellie orr maybe  Henry is going through something and he wants to talk about it with Kayla because I think back in episode 1 Kayla said they knew each other since they were kids (even though they still are kids tbh). honesty I don't know if any of that made sense but whatever moving on to next scene. 

Flash, T.K, and Mr.blowgirlsofftheylovethat aka Ace are at the arcade then Birdy comes by and the conversation gets heated. after some boring conversation about how bad everyone's love life is Birdy really went off on Ace calling him 'A girl obsessed jerk' like wow Birdy say it louder for the people in the back cuz now i know I'm not the only one who thought Ace was annoying as hell. After Birdy goes off on Ace she asks why can't he hang out with better people like his friend Flash............... you wanna know what T.K and his dumb self said...........?

he said AND I QUOTE................

"flash? he's not my best friend" 


I'm sorry but how the fuck is he gonna say that to Flashe's face after how chill and nice he's been with you and not to mention but he's the one who gave T.K the fucking idea to even be manager of the chicken girls so he can fucking spend more time with Rhyme.

i'm upset.

anyways Flash leaves, T.K doesn't even apologize instead Ace redirects his attention to the twins. 

cut to Rhyme and Tim on their date conveniently at the arcade (probably so they could get T.K and Rhyme looking at each other and shit) but whatever. O wow that's exactly what happened and for some reason when Rhyme looked over at T.K on his date she just decided to ditch Tim and just leave and I wanna talk about that for a second because honestly Tim and Rhyme are good people and I mean if she doesn't wanna date Tim she needs to stop leading him on so he  can chill with a girl that actually likes him and Rhyme also needs to be more direct with her feelings toward T.K because let's be honest, boys can be stupid sometimes so if she likes T.K so much she gotta be more upfront. BUTT before I can ship T.K and rhyme I need T.K to get his act together because right now he acting like he don't know how to make fucking decisions for himself so he's turning into a little bitch (sorry but I had to say it ).

cut to Birdy, Rooney and that dude that pranked Rooney talking about stuff then Ronney is like even  though i'm not on the dance team I can take pictures of  you want also the guy who pranked Rooney, i'm just gonna call him Mr. Pranker, well he kept trying to put is arm around Rooney cuz if you remember when Rooney pranked him back he declared he was in love with her or some shit but whatever. 

next scene Henry is chilling then Ellie walks in and he's confused about why she hasn't been talking to him lately ans so instead of telling him about the texts she saw and giving him a chance to explain she says in a nutshell that she doesn't wanna be another one of his hoes if you know what I mean and she walks away. honestly as dramatic as their short ass relationship was I kinda still ship Ellie and Henry together but I think everyone is going to ship her with that guitar dude now and i'm kinda sad cuz like if they both just chilled Henry and Ellie all the way, who's with me.

NEXT SCENE...... T.K is on his date with one of those twins they have an awkward ass conversation and boom cut to Rhyme and her sister chilling at home, rhyme get's a text from Tim then Rhyme acts like she doesn't know how to tell a guy no but whatever her sister put's on some music and Rhyme sings a little tune about I don't know cuz I skipped it  and that's where it ends. 

Please tell me what you think of this episode of the chicken girls I'd love to hear your opinion on it.

sorry I said 'but whatever so much'

and tell me who you ship together  

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