episode 4

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continuing off of when Ellie was trying to hang out with Henry by using her period as an excuse to get out of class, we see that she was successful because they end up in the bathroom flirting for like 2 seconds until Henry says "Are we gonna do the make-out"  Of course Ellie says yes because she is almost stalker obsessed with this guy. Before they could get into that they comment on how each other smell (because ya know... High school) and come to find out Henry likes him some salt and vinegar chips after that they were just about to kiss until that guy that pranked Roonie  came in the bathroom to puke because the cupcake she gave him had something weird  in it. While that guy is puking Ellie and Henry leave so they can make-out elsewhere but the the camera stayed on the pranker dude because he was all like 'oh  my god Roonie pranked me' then he goes on to say he thinks he's in love with this girl even though they literally only ever talked twice and even then, they never had a full conversation, but what do I know this could be some love at first sight type shit. 

Camera is back on Ellie and she just got back from the make-out session I think it was Quinn who saw that Ellie never even used the tampon she gave her so she knew something was up, but Ellie totally could've hidden the tampon in a better place than the pocket of her jacket.


They cut to a scene with TK and Tim about to race in the pool (Tim won) But i'm a bit confused because it looks like they are in school so they ether skipped or they are in class, because I forgot that both of them are on the swim team but that makes no sense to me because if they are in class wouldn't there be more people like in the background and stuff. OK I am overthinking to much.

Next scene TK comes to apologize to Rhyme for being an rude to her and to tell her about what happened between him and Tim. cutting away from them  Quinn and Birdy are trying to figure out where Roonie is, well i guess she was a little late to practice because she is also in the newspaper cub. You wanna know what Birdy does, she goes over to Rhyme and tells her that she kicked Roonie off the team and Rhyme will take her place. I have mixed feelings about the situation because I don't know if Roonie has been late to practice repeatedly or if this was the first time she's been late but I guess ether way I guess It was best to kick her off the team because it seems like both clubs require your full attention so it would just wouldn't be a good idea to do both clubs just because of how time consuming both of them are. while Rhyme and Birdy are getting her the jacket the other girls take a break and out of nowhere Kayla is telling some girl that Henry and Ellie did the make-out, obviously everyone is all impressed for I don't know why, then Ellie whips out some salt and vinegar chips (I think you all know why) but honestly  I don't really like Ellie because she's just annoying to me but I guess I gotta understand that it's typical behavior for a girl with a crush.

Birdy and Rhyme were still getting the jacket when this little argument broke out. Quinn is mad because Birdy replaced her sister but I know she's your sister and all that but that doesn't give her a pass to be late if i'm being honest, then she wants to be all up in Ellie's business because she was texting Henry and that just made the whole argument turn from Roonie getting replaced to who has a boyfriend to who doesn't. I guess Ellie said to Quinn "you're just mad because I have a boyfriend and you don't" so that caused Quinn to grab the nearest boy she could fine and claim him, that boy was Tk  the air has Thickened  oh and this is when Rhyme conveniently walks in to see Quinn and TK holding hands like wow things just got hot so Rhyme goes to get some water this is when Tim finally got the chance to ask Rhyme out and she only says yes because of what she saw  so now I can just see the problems this will cause.

oh and Ronnie is feeling betrayed cuz she got replaced.

This whas a eventful eppisode

Please tell me what you think of today's episode of the chicken girls I'd love to hear your opinion on it.

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