Chapter 4 - The Scheme

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"Here we go, here we go..." I chanted to myself while looking the mirror, today was the big day, I spent what felt like hours picking out my outfit, I'd been getting ready since 6 am, I NEVER GET UP THAT EARLY. I checked my watch.

8:11 am

49 minutes till I met her after all these years, I fixed my hair. I did a mental check of what I could have been missing then left my apartment locking the door. I got in the elevator, though normally I would take the stairs to help strengthen my leg but today I didn't want to take any risks of possibly being late.

I rushed through the main doors of the building and started to head toward CC Jitters, that was another plus side to my apartment, just a few blocks away was the lovely coffee shop that seemed to be the life source of the city. I checked my watch,

8:40 am

I will be early! That's a first. I opened the doors and the scent of vanilla and coffee beans filled my nose, the chatter of customers and the call of names as their drinks were ready, a timer went off and a new scent of fresh pastries flew through the air. I sat down at an empty table for two and checked my watch,

8:45 am

I sighed, let the waiting game begin...

8:50 am

"Would you like anything?" a kind waitress asked seeing me sitting there all alone.

"Oh," I said surprised "I'm waiting for a friend"

"Okay, let me know if you need anything, my name's Parker" She informed

"I will" I smiled and she left to attend another customer.

8:57 am

I was starting to become anxious, I know she said she was okay with everything, but what if she lied and actually doesn't want to see me! She knows how sorry I am... The doubt started filling my head and I slowly became less confident every second.

8:59 am

As if on cue Iris walked in the coffee shop, I smile burst onto my face and all the doubt disappeared.

"Iris!" I called waving my hands in the air so she could see me.

She walked over and I stood up arms outstretched,

"Willow" She sighed a smile too growing on her face.

We hugged, It felt so nice to see her again, I missed her more than I could have imagined.

"Sorry if I'm late" she admitted

"No not at all" I stated "You're technically early" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Do you want to order drinks?" I asked and stood up, "My treat"

"Wait, Willow," She said, and I sat back down, she leaned in and whispered in my ear

"If I order I bet I can get a discount" she planned and I laughed, "how?" I wondered

"I used to work here and I know a lot of the employes"

"Iris" I giggled, "You're just like I remember, always making schemes"

She smiled got up to order the drinks, "What would you like?"

"Just a Latte" I answered and she went up to order our drinks, even though I couldn't hear her conversation with the barista I watched, I also watched how the line got longer and longer the more Iris talked and eventually the barista gave in due to the line.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now