Chapter 32 - One time in an alleyway...

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"Wait," Cisco broke the silence, "back up, back up, back up," he repeated.
My eyebrows furrowed, that definitely wasn't the first thing I expected to hear.

"Make shit appear?" He quoted, "What in the hell does that mean?"

"Uh well," I sheepishly smiled under everyone's tight eagle-eyed gaze. I raised my hand slowly and held it in the air for a few seconds to ensure that they knew something was coming, I twisted my wrist and a doppelgänger materialized beside me. I feel like I've done this presentation over a billion times, if I ever get the chance to travel back in time I'll make sure to let my past self know to do one big presentation instead of pulling people aside then telling them separately.

I turned to look at the groups' reactions, but I did make sure to maintain focus out of the corner of my eye. I surveyed the crowd, of course, Dibny and Iris didn't share the reactions of the rest of the team, which consisted of gasps and shocked expressions. Cisco down right jumped out of his seat and pounced towards it. He kneed in front of it and swiped his hand through the illusion. When his hand ghosted through it I could practically hear his jaw drop.

"It's beautiful," he admired and I fought the urge to laugh, now was not the time.

Barry watched a glitch ripple throughout the image and he guessed, "You can create projections?"

"More like Illusions," I corrected.

"That's so cool!" Cisco exclaimed.

"I'd love to run some tests," Caitlyn chimed in.

I tilted my head and warily stated, "I feel like you guys completely skimmed over the rest of what I said."

Caitlyn spoke first, "Well, for starters, I've been where you are before."

"I think everyone has," Cisco added absentmindedly, still staring in awe at the mirage.

She continued, "It's ok for you to be worried, I know I was. You should just know that you can come to us about anything, we're here for you Willow."

"I still feel like you guys should be more mad, or disappointed maybe?" I wondered.

"You did lie straight to all our faces," Harry pointed out, "It would've been nice to know all this when we asked for help finding the bus metahumans, it would've been great if you did that instead of telling all of us that you weren't on it."

I was about to make a remark thanking him for the criticism but with the look on Barry's face, I decided to shut my mouth and remain quiet.

"Willow, can you meet me in the speed lab?" He asked, but by the way, he delivered it I got the feeling that it was more of a order rather a question.

"Uh, sure."

He left the room quickly and I felt my stomach drop.

I doubted that he was bringing me down there for a pat on the back.

I waited for a second in the silent room and tried to prepare myself for my fixed fate.

I took a deep breath before realizing that everyone in the room seemed to be staring at me, I pulled out a fake smile and tried to cover up my previous expression. I clapped my hands together, "Well, I really appreciate your guy's understanding. It means a lot," I said.

"Well-" Harry started.

"Thanks, Wells!" I cheered while hastily leaving the room so he couldn't counter my statement.

Once out of ear-shot I stopped and let out a heavy sigh. Jeez, if I thought that was difficult I was for sure in for a treat downstairs. Of course, in my situation, the wonderful treat is covered in deadly poison and has a deliciously roasted insect filling.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now